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在爱情上变化无常的女子。A woman inconstant in love.

人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。Life is a dream a little less inconstant.

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道分为常道和非常道。Dao is classified into constant Dao and inconstant Dao.

这些都属于非常道的教育内容。All these are the contents of education of the inconstant Dao.

没有主流,只感觉到令人眼花缭乱和不断地变化。There is no mainstream, one thing we can feel is dazzling and inconstant changes.

女人用一种美丽的狡猾来对付容易负心的男人。Women make the men who is easy to be inconstant in love faithful by lovely cunning.

因此,大德由常德和非常德的内涵构成。Therefore, Great De is formed by the connotations of the constant De and the inconstant De.

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女人!我看你爱唠叨,慕虚荣,见异思迁,天真幼稚,骄矜自用,充满幻想。Woman! , when I behold thee flippant, vain, Inconstant , childish, proud, and full of fancies.

神学批评是,荷马将众神描绘成,是虚假、易变且无常。The theological critique is that Homer simply depicts the gods as false, as fickle, and inconstant.

德实体就是觉醒文化,是包括常德和非常德的德体系。The De entity is the awakening culture, which is a De system consisting of constant De and inconstant De.

德实体就是觉醒文化,是包括常德和非常德的德体系。The De entity is the awakening culture, which is a De system consisting of the constant De and inconstant De.

这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?Were it that a poor girl bullied by a inconstant man or a unfortunate young man deserted by a frivolous woman?

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由于近段时间的海运费价格不定,所以以最终签约时的海运费为准。Because the price of ocean transportation is inconstant , so the ocean freight subjects to the final signing contract.

分类多样的科学技术和门派多样的道学法术都属于创造综合事物的非常道。All the diverse sciences, technologies and schools of Daoist theurgies are inconstant Daos that create integrated objects.

分类多样的科学技术和门派多样的道学法术都属于创造综合事物的非常道。All the diverse sciences, technologies, and schools of Daoist theurgies are inconstant Dao that create integrated matters.

此离散交通控制模型与实际交通路口的车辆通行情况基本接近,反映了路口通行车辆的离散性、不连续性的特点。The model shows the discrete and inconstant character of the traffic flows of the intersection and closed to the fact of traffic.

自从电力工业市场化运营以后,电力已成为价格最易变的一种商品。Since the implement of the power market reform, the price of electric power has become the most inconstant one in all commodities.

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啊!不要对着月亮起誓,那变化莫测的月,时有盈缺,别让你的爱如同月亮一样无常。O! Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon. That monthly changes in her circled orb. Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.

综合事物内部结构千变万化,外部特性变化无穷,都是由非常道创造的。The endless changes in the internal structure of integrated things and their external characteristics are created by inconstant Dao.

将一切事物和事物的原则统统看作经常变化着的形态或风尚,日益成为近代思想界的趋势。To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashions has more and more become the tendency of modern thought.