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我来给你添酒。Let me freshen your drink.

你可不可以先去清醒一会儿?could you take a moment to freshen uP first?

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它们让我们的家里焕然一新并且让我们的心灵为之喜悦。They freshen up our homes and gladden our hearts.

人人都需要一些独处的空间,好能更新自己。We all need-solitude so as to freshen ourselves up.

清新你的口腔香菜是最棒的清新剂。Freshen Your Breath Parsley is a terrific breath reviver.

柠檬可以在干燥的冬天保持空气清新潮湿,同时起到空气清新剂和加湿器的作用。Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days.

用于冰箱的除臭与食品保鲜。Deodorize the air inside refrigerator and freshen the foods stored.

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如果你工作的地方有合适的卫生间,你可以在那儿更新装备。If you have access to a suitable bathroom at work, freshen up there.

去年就有85.5万名美国人注射了肉毒杆菌以期使他们的脸蛋变得更年轻。Last year, 855,000 Americans had Botox injections to freshen up their faces.

麦基斯说在饭后咀嚼欧芹是一个清新口气的好办法。McKeith said chewing the parsley after meals is a good way to freshen breath.

你也可以用湿纸巾来做一些个人卫生工作,比除臭剂还好用哦。Instead of using deodorant, you can even use these wipes to freshen up as well.

让汽车面貌一新的步骤,了解如何让汽车内部焕然一新。Refreshing ideas section for some ideas on how to freshen up you car′s interior.

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精巧镶嵌的时尚圆镜,方便您随时补妆。Exquisite studded fashion round mirror can enable you to easily freshen up make-up.

水嫩皮肤,清新你的日用品,或让淡淡的轻香漂在空气里,想怎么用就怎么用。Hydrate your skin, freshen your linens, or lightly scent the air—the uses are endless.

淡淡的颜色,轻型结构和高品质奢侈让。Pitti exhibitors freshen up with subtle colors, lighter construction and elevated luxe.

清洁房间---将柠檬皮放入一壶水中,然后慢煮。Freshen up a room. Add some lemon peel to a pot of water and simmer it on your stove top.

不必花费一天时间慢慢打扫,轻而易举就让几个房间焕然一新。It’s a great way to quickly freshen up a few rooms without spending the whole day cleaning.

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否则,用空气清新剂和自然香物改善心情、新鲜空气。Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air.

找到一个最切合你心中所想的灵感,然后努力想到办法来更新它。Find one that strikes your fancy, and then try to find a way to freshen it up –to make it new.

最后,你可以轻轻地刷下你的舌头来去除更多的细菌和清新你的口气。Finally, you'll want to gently brush your tongue to remove more bacteria and freshen your breath.