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我的打火机是淡黄色的和透明的。My lighter are flaxen and transparent.

再一次弓形的亚麻眉毛,“你这麽认为。The flaxen brow arched again, You think so.

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而你亚麻色的头发不曾在记忆中褪色。Then your flaxen hair in my memory would never fade.

为了保护学生的视力为何采用淡黄色的纸?Flaxen be most the facial expression that protects vision.

为了保护学生的视力为何采用淡黄色的纸?To why protect the student's eyesight to use flaxen paper?

怎么现在湖上开满了淡黄色的小花?But why there are so many little flaxen flowers on the lake?

不含黑色素小体的毛发为亚麻色和灰白色。Does not contain melanin body for the flaxen hair, and gray.

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在色彩上,白色墙面可挂浅棕色或淡黄色镜框。On colour, white metope can hang shallow brown or flaxen picture frame.

在超市里我们会看到亚麻色头发的绝代美女和美国头号通缉犯在一起。In the mall we see our flaxen haired goddesses with America's Most Wanted.

此外,还有的品种果肉为淡黄色或粉红色或近无色透明。In addition, return some breed pulp to be flaxen or pink or close colorless and transparent.

那些带有淡黄色的柳丝被轻轻的微风吹过都不自觉地扭动着她那纤细的腰肢。Those with flaxen LiuSi was gently gentle wind are not consciously writhing her slim waists.

月经过后有淡黄色或褐色分泌物是月经没干净还是?Is menstruation has flaxen or Brown secretion afterwards menstruation be done not have clean or?

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其中有一个高个儿的浅黄色头发的小伙子,身穿纯蓝色外衣,高踞于众人之上。One of them, a tall, flaxen -headed fellow, in a clean, blue long coat was standing over the rest.

阳光滤过了他淡黄色的发,在他安静的脸上投下了奇怪的光晕。The light glints off the flaxen strands of his hair, forming a curious halo around his still face.

三十个小时之前,他从来没有瞧一瞧这三个蛋黄色脑袋中的任何一个。It seemed incredible that thirty hours ago he had never set eyes on any of those three flaxen heads.

青灰色的抛光地砖、淡黄色大理石台面,古香古色的柚木镜框增添雅致气息。Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.

色彩方面宜使用最淡的明朗色调,如少量的黄色加上白色,会形成淡黄色。Colour respect appropriate is used the weakest Anacreontic and tonal, be like a few yellow adds white, can form flaxen.

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这也是为什么绝经后的女性很少能保留她们少女时代淡黄色的头发,而变成白头发的老奶奶。This is because postmenopausal women rarely retain the flaxen locks of their youth, of course eventually becoming grey grannies.

天然榉木面板有白榉和红榉两种颜色,白榉呈浅淡黄色,红榉稍偏红色。Face plate of natural Ju wood has white Ju He Gongju two kinds of color, white Ju is shown shallow flaxen , red Ju slants a bit gules.

不过,现有的黄色钻石颜色多为淡黄色,而“梦之钻”因颜色嫩黄更显珍贵。Nevertheless, existing maize diamond color is more flaxen , and " of the dream get " because color is light Huang Gengxian is precious.