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尼克开着新车轰地一声飞驰而过。Nick went zooming past in his new car.

此版本的缩放表现的也不错。Zooming also works well in this release.

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选择缩放区域。右键单击可缩小。Select zooming area. Right-click to zoom out.

否则,可能会出现渐晕放大了。Otherwise, vignetting may occur when zooming out.

他出租给别人的一辆车正在向机场高速驶去。He has a rental car and is zooming to the airport.

体素表面投影图象的放大操作容易产生马赛克。Mosaic may appear when zooming in on the voxel surface.

因此,液氮会迅速上升。Whereas, liquid nitrogen just goes zooming right through.

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触摸屏,可旋转屏幕,可缩放屏幕!The touch screen, the rotating screen, the zooming screen!

平移和缩放是交互式地图的基本操作。Panning and zooming are fundamental to the interactive map.

要浏览数据,可以用移动镜头,分页,缩放和变焦的方法查看。To explore the data, panning, paging, scaling and zooming is possible.

但是对于妮可来说,从一部电影赶到另一部电影的日子似乎结束了。But it seems Kidman's days of zooming from one film set to the next areover.

目前,一般都采用传统牛顿插值算法来实现。At present, the traditional Neuton interpolation algorithm is used for zooming.

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实现了画圆,线,矩形,多边形,颜色,镜像,删除,缩放。To achieve the Circle, line, rectangle, polygon, color images, delete, zooming.

越是放大,就会显出越多的曲折,如此重复,无穷无尽。Zooming in further would reveal even more jaggedness, and on and on, infinitely.

但是遗憾的是只能在画布旋转和图片缩放上支持GPU加速。The bad news was that only canvas rotation and zooming supported GPU acceleration.

两个高能的正电荷,在正电荷壁垒时会遇到阻力。So, I've got plus twos, zooming in at high energy against a wall of positive charge.

羊肉上爬满了蚂蚁,苍蝇飞来飞去,黏附在上面,拼命地吸允着。It was covered with ants, and flies were zooming above it, landing on it, sucking it.

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首先,幸运的你,你仍然有火星放大您的主声望的第十宫。First of all, lucky you, you still have Mars zooming through your tenth house of fame.

多触控手势通常用于缩放和旋转特性,此外就没有了。Multi-Touch gestures are commonly use for zooming and roatating features, nothing more.

并且具有测量程序简单,计算方法统一和便于电算等优点。It has such advantages as simple measuring steps, unified computing method and easy zooming.