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故此我比你更加富有。I am richer than you.

谁谁的很胖,谁很富裕,谁又聪明伶俐,...等等。Who's fatter? Richer?

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比霍华·休斯还有钱!Richer than Howard Hughes!

他同乞丐一样穷,即穷如乞丐。He's no richer than a beggar.

谢柏德现在是有钱人了。Sheppard is now a richer man.

现在他富得流油。Now he is richer than Croesus.

如果有的话,我就赚了很多钱。I'd be a much richer man if I had.

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中国社会比毛时代富裕吗?Is China a richer society than underMao?

但意义更丰富。But it gets a little bit richer than that.

唐纳德特朗普和我因为债务变富。Donald Trump and I use debt to get richer.

他越富有,变得越小气。The richer he is, the stingier he becomes.

家庭越富有,谎撒的越大。The fibs get bigger as families get richer.

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这会得到四种声音和更丰富的音响。This leads to four voices and a richer sound.

这个地区的植物种类比我想像的要丰富。The flora of this region is richer than I thought.

一名新贵在墓葬品商店选购他死时要用的棺材。A fresh richer is purchasing coffin in a store death.

美国富有的贸易伙伴此刻也是自身难保。America's richer trading partners are struggling too.

我国人民不需要富国的慷慨的赠与。Our people are in no need of richer nations' largess.

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是一个听起来顺滑以及具有丰富回响声音混响。It is one of the smoother and richer sounding reverbs.

爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。Life has become richer by the love that has been lost.

也许她的饮食比一般人更加丰富。Or she may have eaten a richer diet than commoners did.