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他疯狂地嫉妒子爵He was insanely jealous.

我丈夫是个醋坛子。My husband is insanely jealous.

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它几乎是出奇的矛盾It's almost insanely contradictory.

让你在上午9点前感到疯狂高产。Feel insanely productive before 9 AM.

他无可救药地认为自己是拿破仑。He just insanely believes he's Napoleon.

它让你疯狂的感到饿和渴。It makes you insanely hungry and thirsty.

在囚车里她还是发疯似的尖叫。In the wagon she went on screaming insanely.

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想像一个你自己做梦也不敢想的目标。Imagine an insanely ambitious goal for yourself.

那是豪厄尔一生当中最为疯狂销魂的片刻时光。It was the most insanely erotic moment of Howell’s life.

我最喜欢的就是看人做一些不像人能做得到的录影片。My favorites are video clips of people doing insanely un-human things.

但它极好地演示了我们的无线接入点现在是多么的灵活。But it's a great demo of how insanely flexible our wireless access point is now.

泥雪被踢飞,溅在我们的裤子上,我们达到了一种令人晕眩的疯狂速度。Mud and snow kicked up, mottling our trousers as we sped on at an insanely giddy pace.

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基本上,Feedly用很自然的行为使得浏览网站变得极其简单。Basically, Feedly makes it insanely easy to scan your websites in a very natural motion.

屏幕很华丽,重力感应很灵敏,而且超薄超轻。The screen is gorgeous, tilting is responsive, and the thing is insanely thin and light.

甚至像普拉达,佛莱格默,古奇也是“疯狂减价,”Mendelsohn说。Even luxury items from Prada, Ferragamo or Gucci are "insanely priced, " says Mendelsohn.

把你的开发抽象层想像成一艘具备超级马力的美丽大游艇。Think of your development abstraction layer as a big, beautiful yacht with insanely powerful motors.

我们只是疯狂地想和其他人沟通,几十亿其他人。We've just been insanely trying to figure out how to live with each other -- billions of each other.

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我们一直在疯狂地寻找怎样和数十亿的其他人一起生活。We've just been insanely trying to figure out how to live with each other -- billions of each other.

说孟买是世界垃圾之都一定有他的道理,看到处是疯狂的拥挤。Mumbai might just be the litter capital of the world, which makes sense, as its insanely overcrowded.

如果你自己相信那些疯狂围绕在周边的聪明人,早期他们是不会被偷盗走的。If you surround yourself with insanely smart people you trust in the early days they cannot be stolen.