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这一节目由于其窥阴性而招致了极大的蔑视。The show has drawn much scorn regarding its voyeuristic nature.

不过,也可能程序作者只是有窥阴癖而已…On the other hand, perhaps the author of the spyware just has voyeuristic tendencies.

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希区柯克也有有害刺激的考虑受众的偷窥过山车旅程。Hitchcock also got a perverse thrill out of taking audiences on a voyeuristic roller-coaster ride.

为了安抚他们的偷窥客户,奥迪在英国推出新的直接接收的倡议。To appease their voyeuristic clientèle, Audi is launching the new Direct Reception initiative in the UK.

虽然这可能会满足窥私的冲动,但这虚拟的社会很难搞定一个真正的商业交易。While it may fulfill a voyeuristic impulse, it was hard to make a business case for this social metaphor.

而因为有了这么多以供评分的照片,人们在查看的同时满足了人性喜于窥阴的一面.With many photos up on the site available for rating, people can enjoy the voyeuristic aspect of checking people out.

电视真人秀利用了人性中的窥阴癖,电视节目质量低劣,因此受到了诟病。Reality TV has been criticized for exploiting the voyeuristic side of human nature and for being low quality television.

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网络当中充满了满足人们窥视欲的身体界面,这些身体界面引发着、丰富着人们的身体意象。Prevailing in the internet for the fulfillment voyeuristic lust, the body interfaces excited and enrich audience's body image.

但是,每个人都有自己的精神特质,我们搜集了一些世界上最疯狂的房子来满足你偷窥的快感。But, in the spirit of to each his own, we’ve rounded up some of the craziest houses in the world for your voyeuristic pleasure.

特别是对于重大的交通堵塞而言,许多人怀有某种窥阴癖好,因为我们多数都曾在某个时段经历过类似事情。Many of us are a little voyeuristic when it comes to major traffic jams because most of us have endured one at one time or another.

我们喜欢窥视别人的生活,因为在肥皂剧中,他们的生活就是我们生活的写照,只是更有趣些而已。In a voyeuristic manner, we like to watch other people's lives, as, in the case of soap operas, they are just like ours, but more interesting.

虽然绝大多数的演员都坚持说他们只会为了艺术而裸露身体,但那些对正对影迷们偷窥胃口的裸露镜头却能让影片更卖座。Although most actors insist they'll only perform nude for art's sake, scenes that tap into moviegoers' voyeuristic urges can boost a film's earnings.

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虽然绝大多数的演员都坚持说他们只会为了艺术而裸露身体,但那些对正对影迷们偷窥胃口的裸露镜头却能让影片更卖座。Although most actors insist they'll only perform nude for art's sake, scenes that tapsintosmoviegoers' voyeuristic urges can boost a film's earnings.

从不负责任的父亲到少女妈妈再到所谓的野孩子,媒体好像从报道“底层阶级”的生活中得到了那种窥探别人隐私后的快感。FROM feckless fathers and teenaged mothers to so-called feral kids, the media seems to take a voyeuristic pleasure in documenting the lives of the "underclass".

截止到目前出现过的标题新闻被我列为展示我们对没有完全消失的旧社会的执拗的偷窥情结的前十名。Those that have appeared so far are my Top Ten Exhibits in the case for the persistence of our voyeuristic fixation on the not-quite-extinct dinosaur, Society Rex.

在多道,球迷们现在偏偏更感兴趣,讲述一个被显示的个人生活,特别是当包括目睹某人的死亡。In a more voyeuristic way, fans are now more intrigued by being shown and told about someone's personal life, especially when that includes witnessing someone's demise.

皇室作为英国最“不正常”的家庭,一直以来都为具有窥探嗜好的民众们提供各种各样八卦猛料,也免不了成为谣言蜚语的攻击对象。As arguably Britain's most dysfunctional family, the Monarchy provides the British public with a generous source of voyeuristic entertainment, and an opportunity for heartless slander.

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你们是否注意到文章中经常描述特格拉的美,甚至被脱去衣服,使有偷窥癖的读者,可以想象她赤裸的身体,在她被扔进装满食人海豹的水池里之前。Did you notice how often Thecla is portrayed as gorgeous and even stripped so you,as the voyeuristic reader, can imagine her naked body before she's thrown into the vat of killer man-eating seals.

高更当时以画家、作家和哲学家的角色去探访法国的殖民地大溪地。This voyeuristic engagement with underdeveloped societies by artists, writers, and philosophers corresponded to French imperialistic practices—Tahiti, for example, was annexed as a colony in 1881.