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俄国曾是一个君主制国家Muscovy was a princely state.

原不一样是我们的职司和前程。Unlike are we, unlike, o princely heart!

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对于很多地方的很多人来说,这笔钱可以过上贵族般的生活。To many people in many places, it is a princely sum to live on.

他己经照著自己的方向走了一段了长远的路了。The princely one has come such a long way, and he did it his way!

克什米尔是一个独立的由信仰印度教的王子统治的君主国家,百分之七十克什米尔居民信穆斯林教。Kashmir was an independent princely state ruled by a Hindu maharajah.

这种书籍指引君主行为,该做与不该做的事。Books that give a kind of guide to the dos and don'ts of princely behavior.

恭王府是中国现存王府中保存最完整的清代王府。The Prince Gong's Mansion, Gong Wang Fu, is the best preserved Qing Dynasty princely mansion.

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塔拉成了假王子桑杰的陪读奴隶,两个人亲如兄弟。The tower pulled false princely Sang Jie accompany read slave, two people are like brother in person.

大多数梅第奇银行的借贷都是做给王室的,用于支持他们的军事行动或是维持他们奢靡的公子哥儿生活。Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles.

在瑞士,这个法国最富饶的亲王采地的承袭者曾卖掉一匹老马来填饱肚子。In Switzerland, this heir to the richest princely domains in France had sold an old horse in order to obtain bread.

广亮大门为高级官员人家使用,在等级上仅次于王府大门。The grand light gate, used by high-official households, as only second in rank to the gates of princely households.

他的一根毛发都没有损伤,他的王子衣服,虽然在海浪中被打湿了,可是看起来比以前更清新。Not a hair of his head is touched, and his princely garments, though wet in the sea-waves, look fresher than before.

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那当然是就马奇亚维利的,君权美德,让人们感到,满足与失觉的作为。Virtu That, of course, is Machiavelli's virtu, princely virtue, what you do to leave the people satisfied and stupefied.

此时,小璐完全被细心体贴的小东打动了,认定小东就是自己的白马王子。Right now, small jade complete by attentive and considerate small east moved, maintain small east the Bai Ma that is oneself is princely.

王子杰向记者独家透露,文化部的通气会上,的确有四款游戏被点名批评。Princely outstanding disclose solely to the reporter, of culture ministry aerate on the meeting, really 4 game are call-overed to criticize.

谣言也暗示了萨巴赫家族的紧张局势,与谢赫·纳赛尔竞争的王子派说,正在暗地里怂恿他在议会中的敌人。Rumours also hint at tensions in the Sabah family, with princely rivals to Sheikh Nasser said to be quietly egging on his parliamentary foes.

要是真有那么团结,印度就不会有500个土邦,也不会被莫卧儿和英国占领。If there was so great power and unity, India would neither have 500 princely states, nor India would have been occupied by mughals_and_british.

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以下项链均采用玻璃琉璃材料精制而成,产品精美,华丽而高贵,是女性朋友的理想选择!Below necklace average adopts glass colored glaze material refine but become, Product fine, Gorgeous but princely , Is female friend's ambition choice!

本次展览通过再现欧洲文艺复兴时期的宫廷服饰,向公众展示意大利文艺复兴的一个侧面。The main goal of this exhibition is to expose the public to an aspect of the Italian Renaissance by reconstruction of the princely attires at that time.

如果陛下认为臣妾未曾辱没这种荣誉,敢请陛下勿因一时好恶,听信谗言,断绝陛下对臣妾的恩宠。If then you found me worthy of such Honour, Good your Grace let not any light Fancy, or bad Counsel of mine enemies, withdraw your princely Favour from me.