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这就强迫你去发音清晰。This forces you to enunciate.

演员必须发音吐词清楚。An actor has to enunciate clearly.

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语速放慢、发音清晰。Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.

演员在戏剧学院学习怎样清晰地发音。Actors learn how to enunciate clearly in the theatrical college.

明确清晰的发言,因为你想要别人理解你说的话。Enunciate and speak clearly, you want people to understand your point.

他总是愿意对政治问题发表意见。He is always willing to enunciate his opinions on the subject of politics.

表明在超临界水中减压渣油实现了较好的轻质化改质。The results enunciate that in supercritical water the residual oil can easily be upgraded.

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你可以通过这种方法很好的学到如何在演讲中清楚的表达要点和感染听众。You'll learn a great deal about how to enunciate words to get your points across and influence others.

福尔斯巧妙地运用元小说的技巧体现了小说的主题-自由。Fowles has masterly manipulated the metafictional techniques to enunciate the motif of the novel-freedom.

此外,善用你的嘴型正确的发音,让你的声音展现你的自信与知识。And use your mouth to enunciate your words, allowing your voice to project your confidence and subject knowledge.

他当时面临着一项艰巨的任务,就是绞尽脑汁转变我们平淡无起伏的北方口音,并努力教我们用清晰的发音去说标准的皇室英语。He had a hard task wrestling with our flat northern vowels and trying to get us to enunciate the Queen’s English.

从中国传统哲学的意义上交代“体育”与“运动”乃“一体同缘”。From the angle of Chinese traditional philosophy, the text enunciate that physical culture and sport is non partition.

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平时说英语、练英语的时候一定要元音特别饱满!这样可以训练自己的非凡气质。Always enunciate vowels fully when speaking or practicing English so that a extraordinary temperament will be cultivated.

平时说英语、练英语的时候一定要元音特别饱满!这样可以训练自己的非凡气质。Always enunciate vowels fully when speaking or practicing English so that an extraordinary temperament will be cultivated.

接听电话时,注意发音清晰,保持适中的音量,放慢语速并清晰地将意思表达出来,这样对方就能很容易地听明白你的话。Enunciate clearly, keep your voice volume moderate, and speak slowly and clearly when answering the phone, so your caller can understand you easily.

不论话题是什么,不论政治立场在哪,他总能被推出来,用那哈姆莱特中神灵似的声音,阐明普遍真理。Whatever the topic, whatever the political position, he can be wheeled out in support to enunciate universal truths in a voice as compelling as the ghost in Hamlet.

最后两三周里,公共演讲指导在我的表情、肢体语言,英语的咬词、发音、重音上都给予了不少的指导。For the last two or three weeks, the coach gave me a lot of guidance on my facial expressions, body language, as well as how to better enunciate and where to stress English words.

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本项研究观测了白花蛇舌草在南京地区的物候期和各器官的生长发育规律等,可为进一步野生变家种提供参考。The present work enunciate the phenophase and plant organ development of Hedyotis diffusa Willd. at Nanjing region. These results can give a reference for the plant growing practice.

在声乐演唱中呼吸、发声、吐字、共鸣各器官之间充满着复杂的矛盾,它们之间的关系就是既相互对立又协调统一。When singing, the organs applied to breathe, produce sounds, enunciate and resonate have complex contradiction, among which the relations are both opposing mutually and unified harmoniously.

呼吸是人体发声的动力和源泉,也是歌唱艺术的基础,科学的发声方法离不开正确的呼吸运用。Breathing is the source and driving force of sound production, as well as the foundation of singing art. To enunciate in a scientific way cannot be departed with the proper practce of respiring.