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核型不对称性类型为1A。The karyotype belonged to Stebbins′ 1A type.

标题多变小冠花的核型分析。An analysis of karyotype on Coronilla varia L.

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两种苜蓿植物的核型分析。Karyotype analysis of two species of Medicago.

三种酸浆属植物的染色体核型分析。Karyotype analysis of 3 species of genus Physalis.

北京地区铁线莲属植物的核型研究。Karyotype studies on Clematis from Beijing, China.

骨髓细胞无异常核型。There were no abnormal karyotype in bone marrow cells.

紫花苜蓿和毛苕子染色体组型的研究。Karyotype analysis of Medicago sativa and Vicia villosa.

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标题红蓝石蒜和换锦花的染色体核型分析。Karyotype analyses in Lycoris haywardii and L. sprengeri.

这些都是染色体组型分析方法的改进。These all improved the development of karyotype analysis.

安徽石蒜和中国石蒜染色体核型的分析。Karyotype analyses in Lycoris anhweiensis and L. chinensis.

核型中可识别的带纹达435条。Over 435 bands Within the mouse karyotype can be distinguished.

大叶吊兰和鹭鸶兰的核型研究。Karyotype study on Chlorophytum malayense and Diuranthera major.

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光叶红豆和花榈木核型比较。Comparison of karyotype of Ormosia glaberrima and Ormosia henryi.

通过核型研究,分析了节-硬-偏八倍体的遗传组成。Genetic construction of JYP octoploid were analysed by karyotype.

蒙古冰草和布顿大麦染色体组型分析。Karyotype analysis of Agropyron mongolicum and Critesion bogdanii.

马鞍山居群的新染色体数目及核型均为首次报道。A new chromosome number and karyotype were found for the first time.

结论唐古特大黄染色体的核型属于较原始的类型。CONCLUSION The karyotype of Rheum tanguticum belongs to original type.

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在现阶段,有关于染色体组型的标准是非常简单的研究。In this stage, some karyotype standards make research more convenient.

同时,所有标本均进行染色体核型分析。At the same time, all the samples were subjected to karyotype analysis.

山桃和甘肃桃染色体核型分析。Karyotype analysis of Prunus davidiana Franchet and P. kansuensis Rehd.