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你喜欢“阿波罗”达甚麽的程度满?To what extent do you love Appolo?

你的人生又有多少是由命运决定的呢To what extent is your fate sealed?

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很大程度上讲,这也是G8的一个危机。It was to a large extent a G8 crisis.

病变损害程度,左右侧不对称。The extent of lesions is not asymmetry.

你认为梁咏琪是诚实的?What extent do you think she is honest?

多普勒效应原理,某种程度上是这样Doppler principle. Well, to some extent.

你的字汇程度就到只到此吗?Is this the extent of your vocabularies?

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这个图书馆的藏书量处于中等。Of medium or average quantity or extent.

你认为梁咏琪是真诚的?What extent do you think she is sincere?

在一定程度上这是反直觉的。And it's counter-intuitive to some extent.

事情还没有发展到那种程度。Things are not yet carried to that extent.

北京的水危机到底有多严峻?To what extent is Beijing's water in crisis?

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透明度的种类和程度是不一样的。The kind and extent of transparency may differ.

我们部分地改变了原计划。We've altered the original plan to some extent.

另外,它有时候也可以在阴天使用。It also recharged to some extent on cloudy days.

从何种程度上说,王薇薇是您的竞争对手?Q. To what extent is Vera Wang your competition?

展品大都没有放在玻璃展柜里。Things are not in glass cases to a great extent.

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这场战争表明了她的西方化程度。It demonstrated the extent of her Westernization.

创建者包括弗洛伊德,荣格以及阿德勒。The work of Freud , Jung , Adler to some extent.

本文在一定程度上填补了这一阶段宋诗研究的空白。This to some extent fill research gaps this stage.