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伽利略是个重要的人物。Galileo's important.

记住网址非常重要。That's really important.

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吼声非常重要。A roar is very important.

这种奇怪之处十分重要。Its oddness is important.

保持身材非常重要!Keeping fit is important.

极性并不重要。Polarity isn't important.

安全更重要。Safety is more important.

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食物多样性很重要The variety is important.

这极端重要。It is extremely important.

他是一位地位显要的人物。He is a very important man.

为什么关系如此重要?Why is guanxi so important?

这点对米尔卡非常重要。That was important to Mirka.

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这一点尤为重要。This is even more important.

这一点尤其重要。This is even more important.

我和刘立荣是好朋友。Friends are important for us.

儅你还很重要。When you are still important.

钱对你来说有多重要呢?How important is money to you?

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宗教融合也非常重要。Syncretism was very important.

我有没人把任何重要人物给阉了。Do I castrate anyone important.

把焦头对准那些重要人物。Focus on the important figures.