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在垂饰上镶绿宝石。Set an emerald in a pendant.

碧绿的草儿覆上了翠绿的外衣。Green grass coats us emerald.

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在家里,在你翡翠的树阴中At home, in your emerald bowers

五月的诞生石是翡翠。May's birthstone is the emerald.

五月的诞生石是翡翠。May's birthstone is the emerald.

草原是爱草人心灵的故乡。Grass on the grassland is truly emerald.

长长的叶片直直的,是翠绿色。Long, straight blades, is emerald green.

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我去一个封闭的祖母绿矿在澳大利亚。I went to a closed Emerald mine in Australia.

在绿宝石的两边各镶着砖石。On each side of the emerald there's a diamond.

鸳鸯裁锦袖,翡翠帖花黄。Kam Mandarin CD sleeves, emerald yellow decals.

翡翠玉佛和其他战利品被洗劫一空。The Emerald Buddha was carried off with the spoils.

看,翡翠城越来越近,也越来越美了。Look, Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever.

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第二件是一个绿宝石戒指,价值连城。The second piece is emerald ring, it's very valuable.

我又似那平静湖面上青翠的浮萍。Emerald duckweed floats on the placid surface lf lake.

我希望看到一个镶满翡翠的肯德尔薄饼!!I want to see an emerald encrusted Kendal Mint cake! !

与喜乐在毛伊岛的翡翠池早上鸟。Rejoice with the morning birds at Maui's Emerald Pool.

这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶著珍珠。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald.

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猫仔妈妈的目睭綠甲亲像宝石。Tthe eyes of the mother cat are as green as an emerald.

河源市万绿宝食品有限公司创建于1997年。Heyuan City Emerald Food Co. , Ltd. was founded in 1997.

金湖翡翠谷魅力为何如此之大?Why does Gold Lake Emerald Valley have so great charming?