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阳光明媚,肯尼亚蒙巴萨岛的海滩上却空无一人。The sun shines on the empty seafront in Mombasa, Kenya.

我决定在午饭前沿着海边吹吹风。I decided to go for a blow along the seafront before lunch.

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2008年10月11日,马拉加,人们面向海面观看海浪碎岸。People watch as waves crash against the seafront in Malaga October 11, 2008.

人们观看从哈瓦那的海滨大道“厄尔尼诺马勒孔”2010年7月30日日落。People watch the sunset from Havana's seafront boulevard "El Malecon" July 30, 2010.

价格相对较高,特别是在酒楼吃饭时,海边。Prices are correspondingly high, especially when eating out at seafront restaurants.

一个人在慢跑沿哈瓦那的海滨大道“厄尔尼诺马雷贡于2009年8月5日”雨。A person jogs in the rain along Havana's seafront boulevard "El Malecon" on August 5, 2009.

我们柏龄校园有一个壮观的海滨位置容易到达的一个充满活力的城市。Our parkland campus has a spectacular seafront location within easy reach of a vibrant city.

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贝琳达喜欢愿意,在天气好时他们夫妇俩还会去海边。Belinda enjoyed gardening and the couple would take trips to the seafront when the weather was fine.

雕塑家拉斐尔·达顶站在布赖顿海滨附近的他的五颜六色的,12英尺高发亮的圆筒。Sculptor Raphael Daden stands under his multicoloured, 12ft-high illuminated cones near Brighton seafront.

一家五星级酒店、马尼拉医院和美国大使馆滨海的部分受到洪灾影响。The flooding affected a five-star hotel, the Manila Hospital and the seafront compound of the U.S. Embassy.

此方法在深港西部通道填海及地基处理工程中得到很好的应用,具有较高的推广和应用价值。The method is successfully applied to the fill seafront treatment project of Shenzhen—Hong Kong West Passage.

您还可以沿着8公里长的新海滨大道散步,该大道连接了阿利坎特和康佩洛。You can also enjoy long walks along the 8 km of coast along the new seafront that link Alicante and Campello.

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编织工作室在英国利特尔海滨安装了一蜿蜒324米长板凳。Designers Studio Weave have installed a meandering 324 metre-long bench on the seafront at Littlehampton in the UK.

滨海区同时还是伦敦-布莱顿自行车和赛车的终点。The seafront is also the finishing point for the famous London-Brighton bicycle ride and the quirky veteran car run.

这是海滨小广场,在这个海边散步长廊围出来的开阔地经常有节日和比赛项目举行。Then the Esplanade, which is a seafront promenade bordering an open filed where festivals and events are often held.

而由于路灯关闭,哈瓦那一度繁华的海滨大道马雷贡夜间也经常漆黑一片。Havana's once elegant seafront promenade, the Malecon, is now often dark at night because of lack of street lighting.

这个城镇有美丽的海滩、精致的菜肴、博物馆和独具魅力的海岸长廊–你还能要求什麽呢?。The town has gorgeous beaches, exquisite cuisine, museums, and a charming seafront promenade – what more could you ask for?

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另外因在海边,设计了庭院遮蔽区以保护房子免受北向风吹。In addition to being in a seafront location, courtyard sheltered areas has designed to prevent houses from the wind of north.

附近有一幅图画描绘了这幢屋子当时的模样,它孤零零地矗立在海边,被大量的士兵和坦克所包围。Nearby was a picture of the house at the time, standing alone on the seafront and surrounded by a mass of soldiers and tanks.

随着天气变暖,非法师爷是列于沿加藤帕福斯港口和海滨旅游区的主要力量了。With the weather warming up, illegal touts are already out in force in the main tourist areas along the harbour and seafront of Kato Paphos.