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背上了那个背囊,如今他就样样俱全了。He was complete now with that knapsack on.

护林员把背包挂在他的肩膀上。The ranger slung the knapsack over his shoulder.

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收拾离乡远行的背囊。Tidy up knapsack of leaving the country distant journey.

他把背包带紧紧地拴在肩膀上。He cinched the belt of his knapsack around his shoulders.

我们要像之前一样将其最优化,现在让我们来看一个0/1背包问题的例子。So let's look at an example of a zero-one knapsack problem.

我们取出阿尔瓦的背包把它放进自行车的篮子。We took out Alvah's knapsack and put it in his bike basket.

每个法国士兵的背包里都装着一只元帅的权杖。Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack.

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他一面说,一面把布袋和棍子放在屋角里。As he spoke, he deposited his knapsack and his cudgel in a corner.

背包被扔在井边,杰希把它一把抓过来。The knapsack lay at the edge of the well, and Jesse snatched it up.

一种军用武装背包背袋。The utility model relates to an armed knapsack haversack for armies.

我蹲在胡同的墙根,从背包里拿出一本最近出版的小开本的书。Squatting by one of the walls, I took a little book from my knapsack.

你可以帮着拿那个蓝背包,我拿那个土黄色的和三脚架。You can carry that blue knapsack. I 'll take the tan one and the tripod.

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因为正如我们已经归越过的,对于一般连续性背包问题贪婪算法很实用。with the continuous knapsack problem as we've formulated it, greedy is good.

他把铜币从背包里拿出来,把银币装了进去。He took out the bronze coins from his knapsack and filled it with silver coins.

护林员把.32放进背包,把自己的手枪放进皮套。The ranger placed the .38 in the knapsack and set his own pistol in its holster.

将多个约束变量的ILP问题转化为一个约束条件的背包问题。Transfer the multiple constraints ILP problem into one dimension knapsack problem.

提出一种改进的禁忌搜索算法来求解背包问题。In this paper it proposes an improved tabu search algorithm for the knapsack problem.

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他站着,把一个背包甩到左肩,另一个放在冷藏箱上。He stood, swung one knapsack onto his left shoulder, put the other on top of his cooler.

用整数背包问题具体证明了这两个问题的NP-完备性。The NP-Completeness of them is proven by reduction from the well known KNAPSACK problem.

提出了0-1多项式背包问题的一种新的精确算法。This paper proposes a rigorous algorithm for solving the 0-1 polynomial knapsack problem.