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一列客厅车。A parlour car.

客厅与书房相连。The parlour connects with the study.

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这是一个客厅游戏,你给追截。It's a parlour game where you're given chase.

瑞哈娜在远一点的一家美容院打工。Rehana works at a beauty parlour down the road.

茶把我们带到了维多利亚时期会客厅的关键。It takes one into the heart of the Victorian parlour.

他在客厅的扶手椅上望着外面的道路。In his armchair in the parlour looking out on the road.

他坐在客厅的扶手椅子里,望着外面的街道,听钟声敲了十下。In his armchair in the parlour looking out on the road.

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去美容院点痔会不会留疤?Go to beauty parlour nodding naevus to you can leave scar?

爱米丽亚,亲爱的,快看,他骑到人家客厅的窗子去啦。Look at him, Amelia dear, driving into the parlour window.

当我进入餐厅时卡丽已在用早餐了。Carrie had commenced her breakfast when I entered the parlour.

再后来,客厅的钟心惊肉跳地敲打了十二下。Even later, the clock in the parlour chimes twelve heartbeats.

两个女人关在一间小客厅里,我就在门外听。The two women shut themselves in a parlour and I took up my position.

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深知女性美丽之道的莫过于本美容美发厅。This Beauty parlour knows Best of all how to make a female Beautiful.

勒妮的死,让帕洛玛终于放弃了自杀的念头。Michael's dead, let parlour manasseh finally gave up feeling suicidal.

每天早上我都趴在前门厅的地板上,看着她家的门。Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door.

另一只刺猬,是同一栋公寓的富家千金帕洛玛。Another hedgehog, same apartment building a not-so-rich parlour formations.

您要做的第一件事就是去买一本麦考伊氏英国按摩院指南。The first thing you need to do is buy McCoy’s British Massage Parlour Guide.

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说罢,她便出门探望邻居,我则向后客厅逛去。She then went out to see a neighbour, and I sauntered towards the back parlour.

歇斯底里患者发生在客厅,修女修道院的客厅,当然。什麽?Hysteria happens in the parlour, the parlour of nuns' convents, of course. What?!

“如果他真的收购了,我认为这不会影响到阿瑟·温格,”帕洛尔说。"If he did take over I don't think it would affect Arsene Wenger, " said Parlour.