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我混乱地认为人们是更多。I think that people were more confusedly.

他紧张不安地在屋里走来走去。嘉莉在一旁狼狈地看着他。He moved nervously about, while Carrie looked at him confusedly.

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我不解地问朋友,为什么取了<好闺女>这样一个名字?I asked my friend confusedly why he would name this photo as Good Girl.

她不禁满脸通红,含含糊糊地告诉他们玫瑰花是别人送给她的。She blushed, and said confusedly that the flowers had been given to her.

“国家”和“政府”这两个概念在经济法语境下的使用多存在混乱。The concepts of state and government are used confusedly in economic law.

它核心之能量是一个必然性及变革的机器,消灭着及混乱地掺杂着。The force of the core is a machine of inevitability, of change, vanishing and blending confusedly.

那是被火炬的光映照着的远处的枪刺和枪管。These were bayonets and gun-barrels confusedly illuminated by the distant reflection of the torch.

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但是不久以后——第二天,以及在那以后,又发生了许多事情,保罗只能混乱不清地回忆起来了。But there was much, soon afterwards—next day, and after that—which Paul could only recollect confusedly.

一个男人若是真的爱她,怎么舍得让她心乱如麻的坐在那里数花瓣?If a men really loves her, how willing to give up let her utterly confusedly sit are the few flower petals there?

接着一阵清脆的嗒嗒声沿着石块墙错杂地响了起来,这是大家在给枪上膛。A series of faint, sharp noises resounded confusedly along the wall of paving-stones. It was the men cocking their guns.

他并未回答,但显然听见了他的话,而且思考着,尽管头脑不清楚。He returned no reply, but it was evident that he heard what was said, and that he thought about it , however confusedly.

接着一阵清脆的嗒嗒声沿着石块墙错杂地响了起来,这是大家在给枪上膛。A series of faint , sharp noises resounded confusedly along the wall of paving-stones. It was the men cocking their guns.

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然而无论是在学术研究还是社会生活中,生命权和生存权这两个概念的使用都很混乱。But conceptions of right to life and right to subsistence have been used confusedly in academic researches and social life.

目前在线监测系统数据通信方式混乱,极大的阻碍了在线监测技术的推广应用。Communication modes are confusedly mixed up in the system and this badly blocks the development of on-line monitoring system.

一战后的欧洲各国纷纷陷入政局动荡,社会混乱,经济萧条的危机之中。One postwar Europe is caught in the political situation turbulence , society chaos numerously and confusedly in every country, in slump crisis.

它至多是个尖锐而又可怕的提示,我们正愚蠢、迷茫地生活在一个充满危险、冷漠无情的世界上,没什么打算,也没什么预见。It was at best an acute and frightful reminder that we were living foolishly and confusedly without much plan or foresight in a dangerous and unsympathetic universe.

但迄今为止,人们对其基本概念认识仍存在严重分歧,并导致司法实践中相关术语使用的混乱。The concept of underworld, however, has not been agreed on for a long time, which has led to several terms being confusedly used for this concept in judicial practice.

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如企业网络竞争意识不强,上网企业分布不均匀,企业网站设置混乱等。For instance enterprise's network competition consciousness is not strong, not even that enterprises are distributed to surf the Net, enterprise's websites set up confusedly.

但在西方漫长的历史演进中,官僚制,曾在前期的专制背景下出现了宪政的缺位,价值的迷茫。But in the western long history evolution, the Bureaucracy makes, once appeared the constitutionalism vacancy under the earlier period despotic background, the value confusedly.

心理方面会出现情绪低落、反应迟钝、记忆减退、心烦意乱、恐惧不安、焦虑烦躁和神经质等。The psychological aspect will present the fall in the blues, the slow reaction, the hypomnesia, confusedly , frightened restless, to be agitated nervously anxious with and so on.