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法律重述,第二次,合同法。Restatement of the Law, Second, Contracts.

释义,意义用其它形式或词语来重述一篇课文或文章的语句,通常用以阐释意义。A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.

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这和第一条的意思差不多,但是这一点更重要。This is a less sunny restatement of benefit number 1, but it is perhaps even more important.

重点分析了复效制度中人寿保险合同复效的性质、条件和效力。The focus is placed on the properties, conditions and effects of restatement of the validity.

第三章对网络点选合同的法律适用及冲突法即将发生的变化进行了讨论。Chapter 4 is a restatement and summarization concerned with the application of law about click-wrap contract.

第三次重述的成功与否,关键在于能否在冲突法的灵活性和稳定性之间实现平衡。The key factor of a successful third restatement is the balance of flexibility and certainty of conflicts law.

本书可以被视作对那个没有时间性的精神教学---一切宗教实质为我们这个时代的一次重叙述。This book can be seen as a restatement for our time of that one timeless spiritual teaching, the essence of all religions.

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该部分从法律角度对对赌协议进行了全新的解读和重述,这是本文的一大亮点。This part provides a new interpretation and restatement of VAM from a legal point of view, which is a highlight of the paper.

需要增加的一部分是一系列有关你们的真相以及有关这些现实如何运作的一个彻底的重新表述。The part that is to be added is a series of truths about you and a thorough restatement about how realities actually function.

不仅如此,奥巴马政府关于该立场的重申可谓意义深远。Even so, the Obama administration’s restatement of that position in writing on its second day was immediately seen as significant.

每个领域的重述都分为若干节,有黑体字印刷的关于规则原理的陈述,通常还有再细分的条目。The Restatement of each field is divided into sections, which are black-letter statements of principles or rules, often with subdivisions.

为了避免指导方针标题过于冗长,该指导方针标题的附加说明的重述可以使用缩写形式以备参考。In the case of lengthy guideline headings, such a parenthetical restatement of the guideline heading may be abbreviated for ease of reference.

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他并非如同许多诠释家所假定的那样,是要去发展一套另一种版本的苏格拉底学说。Book of Nicomachean Ethics, and that his doctrine of akrasia is not meant to be a mere restatement of the Socratic doctrine, as is usually supposed by commentators.

本研究检示,当公司面临财务绩效不佳之压力与经理人奖酬制度之诱因,重编之可能性会较高。The results indicated that, when the company has worse financial performance and the presence of incentive scheme, the possibility of financial restatement can be higher.

众议院金融服务委员会在确定世界电信前首席执行官和首席财务官在该公司发布财务报表中的地位时从该二人处几乎没有得到任何协助。The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company's restatement of accounts.

对冲突法第一次重述中固定的因而机械的原则的不满,导致了大量新的建议和反建议,也导致了美国冲突法的一次“革命”。Dissatisfaction with the fixed and thus mechanical rules of the First Restatement resulted in a number of new suggestions and counter- suggestions, a "revolution" in American conflicts law.

新批评的自律性文学观是对文论史上被冷落甚至被抹杀了的文学独立价值的再次申说和改写。The concept of literary autonomy in New Criticism is a restatement and rewrite of independent value of literature, which is desolated and even obliterated in the history of literary theory.

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作为一个例证,对犯罪概念的司法刑法学解读与重述可以显示上述视域与范式转换的意义。And the interpretation and restatement of the concept"crime"in the perspective of judicial criminal law is expected, as an illustration, to demonstrate the significance of such kind of change.

从观念价值层面看,该流派的“自足性”文学观是对西方文艺美学史上那种美和艺术的独立价值的再度申说和改写。From the system of concept and value, its concept of literary autonomy is a restatement and rewrite of independent value of aesthetic and art in the history of western literary and aesthetic theory.