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也没有人去起诉!哦!And no one to prosecute too! Ooooh!

他们会找藉口不去起诉骇客。They find pretexts not to prosecute.

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有没有起诉的足够证据?Is there enough evidence to prosecute?

行,我们会找那些告发你的人,告诉他们没事。Well, I’ll find those who prosecute you and tell them wrong.

她威胁将以妨碍调查起诉托尼。She threatens to prosecute Tony for impeding an investigation.

首席检查官将在严重犯罪案的审判中作公诉人。The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.

你们如何起诉一个有欺诈或压迫行为,但又是受到侵害和虐待的人呢?And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor

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从今往后,谁要是再敢玩这游戏,按照违法处理。To prosecute the players of "SkyRim" to the fullest extent of the law.

没有足够证据起诉七名内地人。There was insufficient evidence to prosecute a group of seven mainlanders.

如果判了我爸伪证罪,我们还能起诉那家伤害我爸的人吗?If sentenced to my dad perjury , we can prosecute That hurt my dad's people?

林父恳求洪国荣让洪世贤撤回对奕德的起诉。LinFu supplications HongGuoRong let HongShiXian withdraw to prosecute Wilson 's.

本法第一百零二条的规定适用于不起诉的决定。The provisions of Article 102 of this Law shall apply to a decision not to prosecute.

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李俊熙让这些厂家起诉姜敏浩,说公司侵权。Li Junxi let the manufacturer to prosecute Jiang Minhao, said the company infringement.

所以直到现在他们没有能够找出那位李文和博士泄露机密的证据…Therefore, even now, they have not found any solid evidence to prosecute Dr Wen Ho Lee.

本人要求律师立即起诉张虹张杰良犯罪团伙。I now request my lawyer to prosecute Zhang Hong, Zhang Jieliang and their criminal gang.

检察官们拥有酌处权,决定要起诉谁及以何种罪名控告他们。Prosecutors use their discretion to decide whom to prosecute and what to charge them with.

美国誓言要起诉任何向维基揭密网站泄露这些信息的人。S. has pledged to prosecute anyone responsible for leaking the data to the WikiLeaks website.

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萨塞克斯警察表示,将不会在“对任何人都没有好处”的情况下,就这件事进行起诉。Sussex Police said no action would be taken with it "not in anyone's interests" to prosecute.

例如,秘鲁创建了一个特殊的反腐败制度来调查并起诉案件。For example, Peru created a special anti-corruption system to investigate and prosecute cases.

贾纳斯打算起诉任何继续制造和销售仿制贾纳斯软盘的人。Janus intends to prosecute anyone continuing to manufacture and sell imitation Janus diskettes.