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我驰念你,珍妮。I miss you Jenny.

詹妮很喜爱这一串珍珠项链。Jenny loved her pearls.

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来认识李明和珍妮。Meet Li Ming and Jenny.

珍妮喜欢那只大狗。Jenny likes the big dog.

詹妮在操作电脑。Jenny is at the computer.

你真的甩了詹妮?Did you really dump Jenny?

彼得暗恋着珍妮。Peter has a crush on Jenny.

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再吃点儿牛排,杰妮。Have some more steak, Jenny.

谁对珍妮做一个回答?Who has an answer for Jenny?

他已经和詹妮同居了。He's ④ shacked up with Jenny.

你能把球击向珍妮吗?Can you hit the ball to Jenny.

好,所以,珍妮回答了达的问题。Good. So, Jenny replies to Da.

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我是珍妮,这两个一班进行?I'm Jenny , is this Calss Two?

我正在把球击向珍妮。I am hitting the ball to Jenny.

我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮。I'd make a good husband, Jenny.

刚才詹妮倒空了箱子。Jenny emptied the box just now.

珍丽注定是个失败者。Jenny is destined to be a loser.

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珍妮一头倒在床上。Jenny threw himself onto her bed.

甄妮是班里跳的最远的。Jenny jumps farthest in the class.

我是Bibury系统公司的詹妮。This is Jenny from Bibury Systems.