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蒙学教材是传统文化的重要载体。Initiatory textbooks are important vehicles of traditional culture.

它的结果是产生信息素的初始分布。Its result is to produce the initiatory distribution of information elements.

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针对启蒙程序,金字塔有两个主要功能。There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures.

我们荚果体的切割者们包括较低振动和开始阶段的其它海豚鲸鱼。Our pods of map makers include other dolphins and whales of lower vibration and initiatory status.

“哥德堡”号商船的主人瑞典东印度公司,虽然号称从未向中国贩运过鸦片,但其实是中国贩运鸦片的始作俑者。The East Indian Gotheborg despite its claim of never trafficking opium to China, was actually the initiatory bootlegger.

因为有初始信息素的分布,具有并行、有反馈性和高效的求解效率。In the condition that there are some initiatory information elements, it can utilize fully the parallel, feedback and the high solving efficiency.

因此你可以通过超越、通过提升来贡献,而不管你的提升状况是如何,你的贡献都不会比我们的通道更多或更少。So may you contribute by transcending, by ascending, and your contribution shall be no more or less than our channel regardless of initiatory status.

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当然无论从发展历史、技术水平,还是从市场结构、产业规模来看,我国轿车行业都处于起步阶段。Chinese sedan industry locates initiatory stage from every aspect, such as development history, technique level, market structure and industrial scale.

测定模膛加热的温度-时间曲线及不同起始温度下模膛温度与时间的关系。The temperature-time curve of the heated die cavity and the relation between temperature and time under different initiatory temperature were determined.

古老的解释认为,一个觉醒者的更高意识状态实际上可以通过一个特殊的点化过程传递给另外一个人。It is an ancient understanding that higher states of consciousness of an awakened being can actually be transferred to another, through a specific initiatory process.

此工艺含有能够减缓镀金初始时沉积速率,又能降低对镍层腐蚀的添加剂。The optimized immersion gold plating bath contains an organic additive which can slow down initiatory deposition rate, result in a slow dissolution of Ni-P substrate.

他通过揭示权力与知识的不可分离而对传统的无功利知识的思想给予了彻底批判,认为那是启蒙运动的叙事。He animadverted on the thought of traditional non-utilitarian knowledge, which narrated by initiatory campaign via disclosing the impartibility of power and knowledge.

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在对天然气管网进行离线数值模拟计算时,需要给各管段分配初始流量,并作为迭代计算的初始值。When a natural gas network is done off-line numerical simulation, every pipeline needs be distributed initiatory flow as the initiatory value of iterative computation.

她一年前刚结束在欧洲漫长的启蒙侨居,回来围攻纽约这个坚固的小城堡。Lemuel Struthers, the widow of Struthers'sShoe-polish, who had returned the previous year froma long initiatory sojourn in Europe to lay siege to thetight little citadel of New York.

在整个旅行过程中羽毛所留下的轨迹就构成了丝绸之路,将东方与西方紧紧相连,让文化得以传播与交流。The trace, that the feathers had left throughout the initiatory travel, became the Road of Silk, connecting the East to the Occident and allowing the exchange and the sharing of the knowledge.