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堕胎是应该受诅咒的罪恶。Abortion is an abominable sin.

温格的队伍惨不忍睹。Wenger's team were abominable.

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你今晚的行为是恶劣的。The food in this hotel is abominable.

你今晚的行为是恶劣的。Your behavior tonight was abominable.

我从来没听到过这么毒辣的话。I never heard any thing so abominable.

当然结果通常是非常糟糕。The results, of course, are usually abominable.

他讨厌一切有洋葱味的食物。Any food that savors of onions is abominable to him.

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象他这种可恶的傲慢,对他自己有什么好处?Can such abominable pride as his, have ever done him good?

可恶的虫子不见了,观音莲长势也更好。Abominable insects disappeared, Alocasia and better growth.

这种恶劣作风一向叫人看不惯。People always hold this abominable behaviour in detestation.

接下来是创新问题,中国在这方面的记录更差。Then there is innovation, where its track record is abominable.

他没得到抚恤金,利弗西,想想我们生活的这个可恶的年代!He has no pension, Livesey. Imagine the abominable age we live in!

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我觉得她给人一种自以为是的轻狂,令人厌恶。It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence.

达尔文称开花植物的起源为“令人憎恶的迷”。Darwin called the origin of flowering plants an "abominable mystery."

当他们来围攻吉珥哈列设时,米沙做了一件可憎的事。When they came to besiege Kir Haraseth, Mesha did an abominable thing.

我简直无法传达,笼罩著这个世界的那种令人嫌厌的寂寥感。I cannot convey the sense of abominable desolation that hung over the world.

何况那可憎又腐败,喝罪孽如同喝水的世人呢?How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?

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那你上星期让我把她的马整整占用了一个星期,这有多么可恶呀!How abominable in you, then, to let me engross her horse as I did all last week!

作为钢琴演奏,也许是可厌的,但作为音乐,却是真实的。As piano-playing, it was perhaps abominable , but as music it was something real.

我宁愿被千刀万刮,也不愿参与这种可憎的勾当。I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business.