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冲击力震荡着库尔特的内脏。The concussive force roiled though Kurt's insides.

您有是或在一个震荡性的事件附近的320,000个人。You have 320,000 people who have been in or around a concussive event.

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特别是你在震荡射击成功击晕对手后使用。Especially if you can afford it after a successful concussive shot stun.

在快速对战或竞技对战中,以法老之鹰的震荡爆破让敌人摔死。Knock an enemy to their death using Pharah's Concussive Blast in Quick or Competitive Play.

鼓膜破裂的患者发生冲击性颅脑损伤的可能性增加至三倍。Those with ruptured eardrums had a nearly threefold greater risk of concussive brain injury.

然后,他们对科技螺栓,跳飞机,震荡的能力模块和武器系统。Then they bolt on the tech, the jump jets, the ability modules and concussive weapon systems.

这就是为什么我要在用猎人印记前使用震荡射击的原因。What happens if they charge?That's why I always open on a concussive shot. Even before Hunters Mark.

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如果它们开始逃跑,我建议使用震荡射击来减速直到你的宠物杀死它。If they begin to run, I'd suggest a Concussive Shot to slow them down while your pet eats them alive.

上个星期以来这个国家整个平板电脑业界像遭遇地震般受到巨大的冲击。A wave of tablet frenzy swept across the country last week with the concussive force of an earthquake.

他的主要攻击武器是一个能够发射两条造成8点震荡伤害的短程平行溅射火焰的喷射器。Its main attack is a flamethrower that consists of two short parallel line splash of 8 concussive damage.

分析冲击钻机冲击机构的构成、工作情况及冲程的确定。Composition, working condition and determination of concussion distance are analyzed for concussive drills.

然后使用更多的技能比如震荡射击,翅夹,可观的远程伤害。Leading to more moves such as concussive shots, more wing clipping, or pure dmg dealing from ranged attacks.

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爆能枪虽然能造成灼热的震荡波,但无法穿透磁密封装置或偏导护盾。While blasters do deliver a searing concussive blast, they can be foiled by magnetic seals and deflector shields.

目的研究脑震荡对大鼠学习记忆的近、中期影响。Objective To investigate the short and mid term effects of concussive brain injury on learning and memory in rats.

在踏步半当中的猎人兄弟,站在那里被冲击力炸得头晕目眩流着血,它们那难以穿透的护盾歪斜着。The Hunter pair, halfway up the steps, stood stunned and bloodied by the concussive force, their impenetrable shields askew.

方法用金属单摆打击装置复制大鼠单纯性脑震荡模型。Methods An animal model of concussive brain injury in rats was duplicated with a metallic pendulum-striker concussive device.

比尔坎贝尔,与一个百分之百的震荡造成的残疾退伍军人脑损伤伊拉克,收到了美丽的黄色拉布拉多叫大同。Bill Campbell, an Iraq war veteran with a 100 percent disability due to concussive brain injury, received a beautiful yellow Labrador called Pax.

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有些说让宠物去直接开怪,有些主张猎人用钉刺或者震荡射击开怪更好。Some say send the pet to initiate the pull and the fight. Some contend that it's best if the Hunter initiate the fight with a sting or concussive shot.

依靠驱毒,摔绊,震荡射击,缠绕,吹风,在盗贼第一轮技能全开后,你应该可以轻松拉出攻击距离了。Between Abolish poison, wing clip, concussive shot, Roots, Cyclone you shouldn't have trouble maintaining range on the rogue after his initial cooldown burst.

他们采用先进的声波技术,制造出可以不连续投射震荡能量球的武器,并装备了手持型和炮台型两种声波炮。They employed advanced sonic technology to project discrete globes of concussive energy at their targets. The Geonosians employed both hand-held and turret-mounted versions of their sonic cannons.