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头足类是认为未来重要蛋白质来源之一。Cephalopod is one of the important sources of protein for human.

但这个两岁的头足类生物最终返回了它的第一选择。But the two-year-old cephalopod eventually returned to his first choice.

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十腕亚目动物如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角。A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten arm like tentacles.

八只触角的头足类动物预言家死于自然原因,他生活过的水族馆在星期二说。The eight-tentacled cephalopod oracle died of natural causes, the aquarium where he lived said Tuesday.

旋壳乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的壳成扁平的状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered shell in a.

泰国由于雨季,头足类的渔获量也很低,欧洲市场的头足类价格正在上涨。In Thailand, cephalopod catches are very poor due to the rainy season and prices are increasing on the European market.

旋乌贼属的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的卷成扁平的状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered coiled in a flat.

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旋乌贼的热带小型头足类动物,眼睛突出,臂短,多个隔间的卷成扁平的螺旋状。A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered coiled in a flat spiral.

科学家们说,他们派发大量图象500余头后,才打破自己磨一钩。The scientists say they snapped more than 500 images of the massive cephalopod before it broke free after snagging itself on a hook.

研究头足类年龄和生长的方法主要有长度频度分析法,利用角质颚的长度及其轮纹、耳石的结构及轮纹、内壳等。Length frequency analysis, rostral length, endoskeleton length and statolith are used in determination of the age and growth in cephalopod.

一名年轻女性把自己扮成了一只章鱼,以向章鱼保罗致敬,因为这只生活在德国的大名鼎鼎的“神算”章鱼此前做出了西班牙将夺冠的预测。One young woman was disguised as an octopus, in tribute to Paul, the now famous clairvoyant cephalopod in Germany who predicted Spain's victory.

或吸血鬼乌贼,是一种头足类动物,在蒙特利湾,加利福尼亚州,氧气最少区住在600至900米深处。Vampyroteuthis, or vampire squid, is a cephalopod that lives in the oxygen-minimum zone of Monterey Bay, Calif. , at depths of 600 to 900 meters.

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本文主要描述北部湾北部沿岸头足类的种类组成,资源分布和季节变化。This paper deals mainly with the composition of Cephalopod species, its resources distribution and season variety along the northern coats of Beibu Gulf.

这是我过去十年来拍下来的最喜欢的一部分,解释部分由罗恩欧德,头足类生物学家和海洋生物普查工程的高级科学家撰写。But here are some of my favorites taken over the past decade, as explained by Ron O'Dor, cephalopod biologist and senior scientist for the Census of Marine Life.

任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体。Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger.

有关四腮目头足类的,以两对腮为特征,并包括有腔鹦鹉螺和许多化石的种类。Of, relating to, or being a cephalopod of the order Tetrabranchiata, characterized by two pairs of gills and including the chambered nautilus and many fossil species.

耳石是头足类生态的重要信息载体,掌握其形态特征是渔业生物学研究的基础。Statolith in the cephalopod is an important source of ecological information, and mastering the morphologic features of the statolith is fundamental to fisheries biology.

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随着底拖网捕捞技术的提高,头足类的密度指数有所增加,但并不说明头足类的资源就很丰富。The increment of cephalopod catch should be attributed to the improvement of demersal trawl fishing techniques, and would not necessarily mean the increment of the cephalopod abundance.