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皮肤于是不再有弹力。Skin can no longer rebound.

大陆天兵掷弹反弹险死!Throwing hand grenades. Rebound own.

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我抢到一个篮板球,投进了一个球。I caught a rebound and made a basket.

这刺激了能源反弹效应。This sparks the energy rebound effect.

光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。Light will rebound from a shiny surface.

以及如果反弹是真实的,那么它会持续吗?And, if the rebound is real, will it last?

世界股票,欧元遭受重创后开始反弹World Stocks, Euro Rebound After Battering

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我偶尔能够抢到篮板球或投篮得分。I can rebound and I can score occasionally.

过度使用可能会导致反弹鼻塞。Over-use can cause rebound nasal congestion.

也许只有在经济复苏的最后高端需求才会反弹。High-end spending could be the last to rebound.

也顶一下大叔漂亮的10个篮板。Props also to a nice 10 rebound game from Dikembe.

破产后一年,克莱斯勒一直在不断重整旗鼓。A year after bankruptcy, Chrysler is on the rebound.

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在抢篮板球时,他被胳膊肘撞到了脸。He was elbowed in the face, trying to get the rebound.

周三下午大跌后快速反弹,是对50日月线破位的回抽!Rapidly rising is a rebound of the 50 days month line!

在近期的反弹行情中,垃圾股走势可谓风起云涌。In the recent rebound in prices, junk stocks is surging.

松开拉绳挡板就可自动弹回。Loosen the pull rope can be automatically rebound baffle.

不知道从什么时候开始,我变成一个很能触景生情的人。Do not know what time, I have become a person can rebound.

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随着经济的复苏,美国对外国产品的需求也会反弹。S. demand for foreign goods will rebound with the economy.

这次理论我们一般称之为弹性回跳理论。The theory is generally called the elastic rebound theory.

观众们聚精会神地看着这个球员抢下篮板球。The crowd watched intently as the ball player score rebound.