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授与你两岁大的孩子权利。Empower your 2-year-old.

我授权我的代理人处理此项交易。I empower my agent to make the deal for me.

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允许那些守法的枪支拥有者用枪来自卫。Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves.

我们或许可以进一步姑息拒绝主义和仇恨的势力。We can further empower the forces of rejectionism and hate.

事实上,它可能让人们更加不可理喻。In fact, it may empower people to be even more unreasonable.

它可以使某些结肠癌患者仅仅通过手术,即可痊愈。It will empower some patients to be cured with surgery alone.

这个想法归根结底就是让粉丝们变身音乐制作人。The idea essentially is to empower music fans to become A&R's.

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新法令授予警方可在街上截停任何人的权力。The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.

授权治理组织管理整个服务生命周期。Empower a governance body to manage the entire service life cycle.

我们必须授权一个泛太平洋警戒线,直到中国自爆。We must empower a Pacific Rim cordon until China'sbulwark implodes.

还有一些其他的客户端编辑软件,我们也授权给,你们使用。And then there are other client side IDEs we'll also empower you with.

主要的分歧是,最高法院未来由哪些法官掌控。The main disagreement is over which supreme court justices to empower.

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这会提升他们的能力,培养他们的自尊心和自信心。It helps to empower them and build their self-esteem and self confidence.

在统一税政前提下,赋予地方适当的税政管理权。Empower local governments with certain tax powers under a unified tax laws.

他说,微额贷款为妇女成为企业家提供了一条途径。He said microcredit has shown a way to empower women into entrepreneurship.

一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。Generation day empower , Genghis Khan, knows curved bow to shoot big vulture.

我对气功认识被提升到更高的层次,我感觉到是件很好的事。I feel empower to take my belief to a new and higher level. I do feel better.

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本条例旨在授权法庭就某些经裁定属不合情理的合约给予济助。To empower courts to give relief in certain contracts found to be unconscionable.

就让以下介绍的插件,链接和数据管理等技术来增强你的Outlook吧。Empower your Outlook with these add-ons, link-ups, and data management techniques.

给他们选择能让孩子自我感觉良好,而且更冷静,感觉自己有自控力。Choices will empower the child and could make them calmer and feel more in control.