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弗洛瑞,过来看这个。Fleury , come here and look at this.

为使成绩记录在档,弗勒门主动要求接受药检。In order to track record in the file, Fleury asked to take the initiative to test the door.

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艺术、时装、设计、开放性和公众性,以及科幻小说都是塞尔维弗洛依的创作素材。Art, fashion, design, exoticism and science fiction are the material of Silvie Fleury 's works.

阁下,美国联邦调查局特派员弗勒里和他的同僚。Your excellency, special agent Fleury of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his colleagues.

阁下,这是美国联邦调查局特派员弗勒里和他的同僚。Your excellency, special agent Fleury of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his colleagues.

在弗洛依最新的作品中,她的关注的是富有象征含义的抽象形态。In her most recent works, Fleury focuses on forms that are abstract but dense with symbolic effects.

弗勒门否认自己曾有意识地使用违禁药物,并表示将对药检结果提出上诉。Fleury had his own sense of the door to deny use of illicit drugs, and that will test the results of an appeal.

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弗勒门职业生涯的最好成绩是2005年8月在布鲁塞尔创造的8分04秒95的欧洲纪录。Fleury door career best result was in August 2005 in Brussels to create the 8 minutes 04 seconds a record 95 in Europe.

这意味着现年39岁的弗勒门几乎可以肯定将无缘北京奥运会,同时还将面临两年禁赛的处罚。This means that the 39-year-old Fleury door is almost certain to miss the Beijing Olympics, will also face two-year ban.

当西班牙的大帆船满载着从阿兹特克劫掠来的黄金,珠宝和珍禽异兽回老家的时候,碰上了法国海盗让福勒里。French pirate Jean Fleury intercepts Spanish treasure ships laden with gold, jewels, and exotic animals plundered from Aztec lands.

Fleury教授是我的导师之一,也是我在比利时列日大学博士论文的答辩专家组成员,还是我正在主持的国家自然科学基金的课题组成员。Prof Fleury is one of my supervisors and members of jury of my PhD thesis in University of Liege, and one of the members of the research group of my Natural Science Foundation of China.