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发抖的牧师身着白袍。The shivering Chaplain robed in white.

他以随军牧师的身份加入第40师。He joined the 40th Division as an army chaplain.

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牧师来了,向济济一堂的教友们布了道。The chaplain came and preaches to a packed church.

在监狱小教堂里,Lincoln迷惘地望着牧师。In the prison chapel, Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain.

怎样成为普林斯顿大学,第一个穆斯林教士的呢?How you arrived to be the first Muslim chaplain at Princeton University?

我想他们应该也不大了解,教士到底是干什么的吧。My guess is they don't even really have a reference for what a chaplain is.

牧师十分欣赏他那苍翠的环境所具有的幽雅恬静,与世隔绝的气氛。The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation of his verdant surroundings.

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您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。Since you are an abbe, I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.

您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。Since you are an abbe , I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.

在吉凶未卜的几秒钟时间里,牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉。For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation.

通常由议长牧师宣读祷文。The Speaker's Chaplain usually reads the prayers. The form of the main prayer is as follows

助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.

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我要作为克雷文爵士的随军牧师,远赴西印度群岛参加对法作战。I'm also engaged to go to the West Indies with Lord Craven's expedition against the French, as chaplain.

剩下的时间她还在著名的Colby学院做犹太教牧师和教授。She will also work part-time as the Jewish chaplain and a faculty member at the prestigious Colby College.

我们之前还邀请她来学校帮助我们,弄清一个优秀的穆斯林教士是什么样的。We actually invited her to Princeton to help us to figure out what a good Muslim chaplain would looks like.

如果你是一个宗教人员,你会为一个犯人做牧师么,特别是为那些死刑犯?If you were a religious professional , could you serve as chaplain to a prisoner, especially one on death row?

失火的第二天,牧师来到了医院,伊索林正忙着检查和涂抹信件,只保留信中谈情说爱的部分。The chaplain arrived the day after the fire, Yossarian was busy expurgating all but romance words from the letters.

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在坎大哈省的富隆特纳克前进行动基地,沙布勒为非宗派神父加里·李维斯上尉祈神赐福。Subler blesses non-denominational chaplain Cpt. Gary Lewis at Forward Operating Base Frontenac in Kandahar province.

父亲马奇是南北战争时期的军队牧师,他不在家期间,乔自命为一家之主。Father March was an army chaplain in the Civil War, and in his absence Jo declared herself to be the man of the family.

我是服务于美国军队的牧师和干事,所以我希望我的另一半与我级别相同。I'm a chaplain and an officer in the United States military, so I wanted to make sure the man was the same rank as I was.