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哈,我就把这点定义为未确定的事。You know what? I’m moving this one to UNDETERMINED.

他的疾病和死亡原因仍未确定。The cause of his illness and death remain undetermined.

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系统网络中含14个待定的前件和后件参数。There are 14 undetermined parameters named predictor and consequent.

洛比达法则是求待定型极限的重要工具。L′Hospital law is an important tool of obtaining undetermined type limit.

还有3起原因不明,飞行员自杀也被怀疑是原因之一。Three more were caused by undetermined causes where flightcrew suicide is suspected.

阐述用待定系数法解梁的挠曲线方程,推导出待定系数的表达式。It can be structured by interpolation or be got by method of undetermined coefficients.

运用极限理论,推导出三个结论,并运用于求幂指函数待定型的极限之中。In this paper, a solution of exponential function undetermined limit is being discussed.

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数据清理服务接受数据质量为未确定的数据作为输入。The data cleansing service receives data with an undetermined level of data quality as input.

他不喜欢处事模棱两可,或是悬而未决,而且从来不允许邋遢和迁就。He disliked leaving things vague or undetermined and never allowed slovenliness or makeshifts.

近来几个荟萃分析显示术后辅助化疗对提高生存有一定的作用。The role of post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy in radical resected patients is undetermined.

在一段不明确的时间里,我觉得自己抽象地领悟了这个世界。For an undetermined period of time I felt myself cut off from the world, an abstract spectator.

通过对一类不确定时滞系统的仿真,验证了该方法具有较好的控制效果。By simulation on an undetermined time lag system, the method is proved with good control effects.

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这兄弟俩的感染源仍未确定,调查正在进行之中。The source of infection for the two brothers remains undetermined and investigations are ongoing.

笛卡儿的分解四次方程的解法采用待定系数。Descartes's solution of a depressed quarto equation employs the method of undetermined coefficients.

其中426名女性为出血性中风,1224名为缺血性中风,630名女性的患病原因未能确认。Of these 426 were classified as hemorrhagic stroke, 1, 224 as ischemic stroke, and 630 were undetermined.

与意义未明的单克隆免疫球蛋白血症相比也同样升高。This was also true in comparison with patients with monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance.

又王中的诗句,也有“干戈未定欲何之,一事无成两鬓丝”的感叹语。Wang also in the poem, there are "war of undetermined Yuhe, Liang Bin silk nothing, " sighs the language.

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这意味着如果回收量大,在某个不确定的时刻,垃圾回收系统可能会让播放器顿住一会儿。This means that it could block the player for an undetermined amount of time if there is a lot to collect.

得让读者以为故事中角色的所作所为某种程度上,都是自由的,完全不是事先确定的。We need to think that the actions in the story were in some way free and absolutely, perfectly undetermined.

每次去逛宠物市场老是会为他的蕾切尔买点东西,他从来不会为此犹豫未定。Each will teach you the pet market has always buy something for his Rachel, who never hesitate to do undetermined.