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人生犹如摸彩。Life is a lottery.

这就像彩券抽奖一样。This is a lottery.

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找对象是碰运气。Marriage is a lottery.

他刚中了彩票。He just won the lottery.

我买了一张乐透。I bought a lottery ticket.

我想中彩票。I want to win the lottery.

奖券是向傻瓜们征的税。Lottery is a tax on fools.

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为什么我还没中彩票?。Why haven't I won the lottery?

彩票倒真是大慈大悲的好东西。The lottery was a great charity.

我说过,值当它是彩票。As I said, it's a lottery ticket.

你买过彩票吗?Have you ever played the lottery?

中大奖?One in which you win the lottery?

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拿彩票中奖者为例。Take lottery winners for example.

彩票也是赌博的一种形式。Lottery is also a form of gambling.

其中一种叫中国福利彩票。One is called China Welfare Lottery.

你可以赢彩票,做大款!You can win the lottery and be rich!

——鲍比海斯,德克萨斯彩票中心发言人Bobby Heith, spokesman, Texas Lottery

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足球彩票数据库的设计。Design the football lottery database.

那么附上抽奖券如何?How about attaching a lottery ticket?

山姆朦胧左彩票工作室。Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.