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或者是无聊、冷淡的店员?Or bored, uninterested shop assistants?

他们好像对财富的积累没有什么兴趣。They seem uninterested in the accoutrements of wealth.

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而女孩子通常对这类电影并不感兴趣。Girls are generally uninterested in these types of movies.

加拉赫带着金来到那堵墙跟前,金似乎对此毫无兴趣。King seemed uninterested as Gallagher led him to the wall.

马文·罗宾逊发现了这只黑熊,但对它没兴趣,便转身走开了。Marven Robinson spots the bear but turns away, uninterested.

事实上,他感到很困惑的是他怎么对金宝产生不了兴趣呢。In fact, he’s embarrassed by how uninterested he is in Kimbo.

他对钱不感兴趣,住在普通的房子里,没有沾上毒品。He was uninterested in money, stayed in modest houses, didn't fall into drugs.

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但是我感到非常失望,因为我的朋友和家人似乎对我的旅行不感兴趣。I felt disappointed at how uninterested my friends and family seemed towards my trip.

甚至不再幻想,我不知所以,心烦意乱,了无生趣。My daydreams aren't even dreaming. I feel bored, lost, uninterested in much of anything.

只要有唐人街的城市,芝加哥啊,后来的纽约城啊这些,我都一视同仁地兴趣缺缺。I was equally uninterested in Chicago and, later, New York, cities with actual China Towns.

兰芝让我想到了公司里的一种人,他们在团队成员说话时,总表现出一副冷淡、不感兴趣的样子。Lange made me think of corporate presenters who look uninterested as a team partner speaks.

转移视线或不停地打哈欠大多说明这个人不感兴趣。Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested.

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怎么最近又变得对什么事都提不起精神怠倦得眼皮都睁不开似的了呢?How recently have become what are uninterested in the spirit settles open your eyes are like?

得了!我以经对你不感兴趣了,以后别再缠着我,否则我找人扁你!Get! I with through uninterested you, later stop worry I, otherwise I look for person flat you!

我因此对即将到来的毕业典礼、高年级演出和班级舞会完全没了兴致。I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom.

可怕的下午三点倦怠症常导致你在工作中兴致缺缺,失去动力。The dreaded mid-afternoon slump at work can often leave you feeling uninterested and demotivated.

他们沉默好静,与世无争,对任何事情均兴味索然。They are silent very static, stand aloof from the worldly affairs, to everything all uninterested.

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如果你使用太过随意的方法来完成工作,你的上司可能认为你并不关心你的事业。If you take a more casual approach to work, your boss may think you are uninterested in your career.

虽经我方努力,买方仍无兴趣,除非按上次建议,同意给予特别折扣。Buyer uninterested despite our effort unless you agree special discarnate according our previous advice.

有报道称,邵逸夫与其首任妻子所生的两子两女均对接手他的媒体帝国不感兴趣。His two sons and two daughters from his first wife are reported to be uninterested in running his media empire.