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摩西听见这话就俯伏在地When Moses heard this, he fell facedown.

你妈太丑了,看病时医生让她脸朝下躺着。Your mom's so ugly the doctor makes her lie facedown.

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面朝下卧在一个长凳上,双腿悬在长凳外。Lie facedown over a bench with your legs hanging o the edge.

我盯着打印机里面朝下搁着的一摞纸。I stared at the sheets of paper lying facedown on the printer.

大卫和长老都身穿麻衣,面伏于地。Then David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell facedown.

众民一见,就都欢呼,俯伏在地。And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown.

首先,冲浪者要面朝下在滑板上飘浮,等待合宜的大浪。First, a surfer floats on the board facedown and waits for a good wave.

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门徒听见﹐就俯伏在地,极其害怕。When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified.

卧室里,一个男的趴在一张铺着白色丝绸床单的巨大圆床上。Inside the bedroom, a man lies facedown on a huge round bed with white silk sheets.

当那几个人把他脸朝下放在斜坡上使血液可以流回心脏和头部时,他喊了出来。He cried out as the men positioned him facedown on a slope so that more blood would flow to his heart and head.

目击证人说这个警察,在奥斯卡·格兰特躺下面朝火车月台时被射杀。Witnesses say the officer, Johannes Mehserle, shot Oscar Grant while he was lying facedown on the train platform.

罗伊斯的尸体面朝下倒卧在雪地里,一只手臂朝外伸出,厚重的貂皮披风被砍得惨不忍睹。Royce's body lay facedown in the snow, one arm outflung. The thick sable cloak had been slashed in a dozen places.

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秦始皇陵兵马俑俑坑里的一具兵佣,面朝下靠在沙袋上有待修复。Resting facedown on supportive sandbags, a soldier awaits repair nearan excavation pit in Qin Shi Huang Di's tomb complex.

如果你看看通过圣经,有一大堆的人谁面对神的荣耀,并发现自己摊牌的崇拜。If you look through the Bible, there's a whole host of people who faced up to the glory of God and found themselves facedown in worship.

按压那些安吉丽按压的地方,按摩脚踵底部对应生殖器的区域,她让这个俯卧在枕头上的男人呻吟起来。By pressing where Angelique pressed, by working the genital reflex zone on the plantar side of the heel, she had the man moaning, facedown in his pillow.

直到不久之前,美联储的扫描仪器仍然无法辨认折痕和裂口,所以这些旧钞,无论是卷角的或是已经磨损的,都在堆积后被消灭掉。Until recently, notes were simply stacked facedown and destroyed, as were dog-eared notes, because the Fed’s scanning equipment could not distinguish between creases and tears.