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我想变得勇敢,充满渴望,自信,自在,无忧无虑。I wanted to be brave, eager, confident, at ease, lighthearted.

所有的一切发生时都是轻松愉快的。It was just a bit of fun on his part -- it was all very lighthearted.

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他预先猜测到它的动作,他于是变得越发高兴了。He felt the joy of the gallop coming, and was more and more lighthearted.

网上出现新一波病毒式传播的图片,对英国暴乱极尽调侃之能事。Irrepressible virals try to take a lighthearted view of England's unrest.

这现在是共同性看见轻松愉快的人在观光旅游中对地方利益。It is now common to see lighthearted people on sightseeing tours to places of interest.

在愉快的社交宴会上痛斥坏老板和严厉谴责上司是很不合适的。Lambasting of bad bosses and slashing supervisors is inappropriate at lighthearted social festivities.

德步西的幽默、轻蔑、妙喻、全都在「小孩子的天地」表现无遗。Debussy's humor, lighthearted vidicule and clever metaphors can be clearly heard in the Children's Corner.

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还是一样,要试着用轻松愉快、谈心般的方式去做,这样谈话气氛才不会变得严肃而可疑。Again, try to do this in a lighthearted , conversational manner so the tone doesn't turn serious or interrogative.

从那时候开始,夏季奥运会的演示项目更趋向于轻松愉快的并且有主办国特色。From then on, Summer Olympic demonstration sports were considerably more lighthearted and typically host-nation-specific.

虽然见面的气氛非常的轻松愉悦,但是和普通的球员的见面会比起来,这个很明显排场要大些。Even with the lighthearted nature of the meeting, it was obvious that it was a little bigger than the normal player introduction.

喜剧冲突的解决一般比较轻快,往往以代表进步力量的主人公获得胜利或如愿以偿为结局。Comedy conflict resolution generally lighthearted , often to represent the progressive forces the hero to win or do for the outcome.

他提倡不经意的严谨或是出于郑重的轻松——像比赛中的运动员或是演出中的艺术家。What he proposed was lighthearted seriousness or serious lightheartedness -- like that of a sportsman in a game or an actor in a play.

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读者不应把日志的内容视为正经八百真确的描述,而是应该留意带著轻松的心情阅读。No reader should take the content on the site seriously nor with fidelity to the real world, but should instead be prepared to be lighthearted.

美国共和党总统候选人麦凯恩和民主党总统候选人奥巴马星期四在竞选活动中忙里偷闲,参加了纽约市的一个慈善晚宴,有美国的一些主要政界领袖。U.S. presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama took a lighthearted break from campaigning Thursday at a charity dinner in New York City.

节目制作人周二表示,虽然节目基调比较轻松,主角们生活相对奢华,但节目所反映的主题是具有普遍意义的。Although its premise is lighthearted and its stars enjoy a life of relative luxury, producers said on Tuesday that the theme of the show is universal.

只因为我们的心太轻浮,懒于改正缺点,所以灵魂的痛苦觉不出来,屡次正该痛哭的时候,反而欢乐。Lighthearted and heedless of our defects, we do not feel the real sorrows of our souls, but often indulge in empty laughter when we have good reason to weep.

Liv穿了一条蓬蓬纱礼服,而Emma选择了一款奶油色单肩礼服,在这部轻松愉快的文艺爱情片中,我们领略到这两种时尚之美。Between Liv's voluminous tulle gown and Emma's cream-colored, one-shoulder selection, we got the best of both fashion worlds in this lighthearted chick flick.

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杜飞在视觉艺术中的标识是如此地分明,以致“杜飞风格”一词常用于形容那种鲜明欢快的、心情轻松的和有装饰意味的作品的风格。So distinct was Dufy's mark on the visual arts that the word "Dufyesque" is often used to describe the style of work that is gay, lighthearted , and decorative.

根据这项研究,鳄鱼的招牌动作龇牙咧嘴笑不应该被解释为对酒后乱性的醉汉无礼厚颜之举轻松宽容的反应。According to the study, an alligator's characteristic grin should not be interpreted as a lighthearted reaction to the outrageous nerve of an alcohol-addled human.

根据这项研究,鳄鱼的招牌动作龇牙咧嘴笑不应该被解释为对酒后乱性的醉汉无礼厚颜之举轻松宽容的反应。According to the study, an alligator's characteristic grin should not be interpreted as a lighthearted reaction to the outrageous nerve of an alcohol- addled human.