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这一道德准则针对LEM所有员工。This Ethics Code is binding upon all LEM employees.

Lem广告公司设计的极富创意的红十字购物袋Creative Red Cross shopping bag by Lem advertising agency.

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LEM确保机会与待遇的平等性,从而避免任何歧视。LEM ensures equality of opportunity and treatment in order to prevent discrimination.

LEM员工不应接受或提供强化影响力的任何礼物或偏好。LEM employees shall not accept or offer any gifts or favors that might be construed as influence-enhancing.

这些原则可通过互联网公开访问,并在LEM全球办公室公布。所有员工都将在加入公司时由人力资源部门告知这些原则。These principles are publicly accessible via the Internet and are also published in the LEM offices world-wide.

液膜法提取浓缩氛基酸包括萃取和反革两个连续的过程。The separation and concentration of amino acids using LEM include continuous process of extraction and stripping.

选用LEM的电压电流传感器和巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计出信号采集电路。Signal conditioning circuits was designed by LEM voltage and current sensors and a Butterworth low-pass filter. U.

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员工的健康与安全至关重要。LEM确保为所有员工提供一个安全健康的工作环境。The health and safety of employees have top priority. LEM ensures all employees a safe and healthy work environment.

LEM在多个国家开展业务,因此必须遵守不同国内与国际的法律法规。LEM is active in various countries and must therefore comply with different national and international laws and regulations.

电流和电压检测采用LEM公司的霍尔传感器,提高了系统采样精度。The sensors of LEM Corporation are applied to the current and voltage detection, which increase the system sampling precision.

因此,线性电机可以以极高的速度伸缩,这样可以最大限度地减小驾驶室的震动。As a result, an LEM can extend and compress at a much greater speed, virtually eliminating all vibrations in the passenger cabin.

LEM保护所有员工在工作场所不受到任何骚扰,尤其是任何形式的性骚扰以及对各种对心理或生理上的的侮辱。LEM protects its employees against harassment in the workplace, in particular against any kind of sexual, physical or psychological abuse.

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线性电机也能用于消除在车辆加速、刹车、转弯时产生的车身晃动,这就时驾驶员有更好的操控感。The LEM can also counteract the body motion of the car while accelerating, braking and cornering, giving the driver a greater sense of control.

本文介绍IGBT、EXB841和LEM模块在大功率PWM直流伺服驱动系统中的应用和系统抗干扰设计。This paper introduces the application of IGBT, EXB841 and LEM models in high power PWM DC servo driving system, and the EMCD of driving system.

网络化环境下数据的共享和交换是敏捷化信息系统的一个关键问题,XML成为解决这一问题的有效方法。Data sharing and exchange based on network environment is a key pr ob lem of agile information system. XML is valid method of solving the difficult problem.

基于LEM还得到了处理对应于置换群CG系列问题的黑克代数张量积的方法。A procedure for dealing with tensor products of Hecke algebras, which corresponds to the CG series of permutation groups, are also formulated based on the LEM.

本片改编自史丹尼斯楼廉的俄国小说,早在七十年代初,一致公认为电影大师的俄国导演塔可夫斯基早已将它拍成电影。Solaris is based on a Russian novel by Stanislaw Lem. It was filmed in the USSR in the early 1970s by a Russian director who is now considered one of the masters of cinema, Andrei Tarkovski.

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LEM高度重视所有机密与敏感信息。这包括技术秘诀、运营最佳实践、市场或客户信息、以及任何财政数据。LEM treats all confidential and sensitive information with the utmost care. This includes technical know-how, best practices in operations, market or customers information, and any financial data.