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布莱希特陌生化理论除了包含戏剧本身的层面之外,还有其政治的层面。Brecht's theory of alienation effect consists not only in its theatrics but also in its politics.

现在,这些难以令人置信的戏剧正在崩溃,因为没有多少可以让他们苟延残喘的空间了。Now, these unbelievable theatrics are about to crash as there is practically no wriggle-room left to them.

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不过,撇开适合太空的夸张做法和诺亚方舟的含蓄意义不谈,生物圈2号仍然是世界上最雄心勃勃的试管。But space-suited theatrics and Noah’s ark overtones aside, Biosphere 2 was still the world’s most ambitious test tube.

这是自罗纳德·里根总统在雷克雅维克与前苏联总统米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫掀过历史开启新局之后关于核问题最令世人瞩目的事件。It is the most eye-catching piece of nuclear theatrics since Ronald Reagan squared up to Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik.

女演员们是为了抗争家庭暴力而挣钱的,但是在这场绚烂的演出中这个原因被遗弃了。The actresses had come to raise money to fight domestic violence, but the cause seemed lost amid the event's giddy theatrics.

不过这部影片却并不像医学说教,走廊里表演——国旗、木偶、舞蹈——使会议感觉像是嘉年华一样。But the film is hardly a medical lecture. The hallway theatrics — flags, puppets, dancing — give the conference a carnival feel.

共和党人除了表现出对戏剧的不屑和策划未来的发展并没有更多的选择。Republicans were left with few other options other than showing their disdain for the theatrics and plotting next step forwards.

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撇开意大利这出大戏不谈,周二的投票及其结果只是旷日持久的欧洲主权债务危机众多插曲中的一个。Italian theatrics aside, the vote today and its outcome are really just one of the many sideshows in the long-running European sovereign debt crisis.

然而,对于肯尼亚反腐败委员会所有这些作秀般的表演以及查出的案件来说,过去一年所有的重大调查中没有一个导致对任何官员的定罪。But for all the theatrics and cases launched by the KACC, none of the major investigations over the past year have amounted to any significant convictions.

圣经讲解屈从于娱乐,讲道臣服于表演,教义附庸于舞台剧,神学变身戏剧演出——后果是惨重的。Exposition has surrendered to entertainment, preaching to performances, doctrine to drama and theology to theatrics – and the fallout has been catastrophic.

几十年来,NBA靠的是眼花缭乱的进攻吸引了越来越多的观众,观众喜欢的是球员积极进攻并在高空完成精彩表演。The NBA gained popularity decades ago because of the dazzling plays at the rim when players aggressively attacked the rim and finished with high-wire theatrics.

这更多是为了种戏剧效果而非其他,“沃克表示,并预测该群人士将在意识到“他们是被选举着去完成该投票的”之后的一两天内回来。"It's more about theatrics than anything else," Walker said, predicting that the group would come back in a day or two, after realizing "they're elected to do a job.

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现在有一个把葡萄牙贬作“贱民”的运动,波斯蒂加在输给法国的半决赛中的假摔使之越演愈烈。There is a campaign to make the Portuguese pariahs, a cause that was strengthened by Helder Postiga's theatrics during his appearance in the semi-final loss to France.

垃圾摇滚美学常被抽丝检视、与其他摇滚音乐流派相比,许多垃圾摇滚音乐家亦被认为其作风不修边幅、舍弃夸张不实之感。The grunge aesthetic is stripped-down compared to other forms of rock music, and many grunge musicians were noted fortheir unkempt appearances and rejection of theatrics.

与其他任何一项运动相比,NBA球员在掌握球权时,既可以奉献眩目花哨的个人表演,也可以用循序渐进、因循守旧的基础完成一次战术组织。More than any other sport, the NBA allows for both individual flash-and-dazzle theatrics and solid fundamentals- progressivism and conservatism, all in a single possession.

他们更注重剪裁,中性化设计和低调风潮成为主流,华丽炫目的装饰偶尔才会出现。This included a focus on tailoring, a predominance of neutrals and toned-down theatrics with only the occasional pop of drama. Here are some of these Fall 2009 runway looks.

事实上,美国如此生动的向全世界展示了他们的症结所在,周末的这场政治秀让我们大家为全世界最大的经济体充满忧虑。Indeed, by illustrating so vividly to the whole world what is ailing America, the weekend's political theatrics should make us all worry even more about the world's largest economy.

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散布在公园里的中国职员,商人们没几个理睬这幕夸张的闹剧,他们关注的是餐盒里米饭猪排,或是汉煲、炸食和软饮料。Scattered about the park, Chinese office workers and business people largely ignored the theatrics , intent on their boxes of pork chops and rice, or their burgers, fries and soft drinks.