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她从没有穿过它。She never wore it.

她穿着一件蓝外套。She wore a bluecoat.

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她披着一件红披肩。She wore a red cape.

她戴着一条红围巾。She wore a red scarf.

他歪戴着帽子。He wore his hat askew.

她戴着一根蓝发带。She wore a blue braid.

她穿一件艳丽的连衫“裙”。She wore a loud dress.

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她抹着厚厚的粉。She wore thick powder.

粗花呢的外套和裙子。He wore a tweed jacket.

她戴了一枚钻石戒指。She wore a diamond ring.

她披头散发。She wore her hair loose.

我一直戴着这顶爵士帽。I wore this Trilby a lot.

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她戴了一副无边眼镜。She wore rimless glasses.

他穿着一套蓝色哔叽西服。He wore a blue serge suit.

他穿了一件有垂尾的外套。He wore a coat with tails.

她戴着一顶雅致的小帽子。She wore apert little hat.

这些男人中有几个戴着帽子。A few of the men wore hats.

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她戴著一顶雅致的小帽子。She wore a pert little hat.

她把头发梳成一个发髻。She wore her hair in a bun.

我妹妹穿着一件蓝色的衣裙。My sister wore a blue dress.