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这回扣是非法的。This kickback is illegal.

每一个交了钱的人部可以得到回扣。Everyone who paid will receive a kickback.

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老板要从她的薪金中拿走回扣。The boss demanded a kickback on her wages.

别在这个体育场项目中拿回扣。Don't take kickback for the stadium project.

回扣是商业贿赂的主要表现形式。The main form of commercial bribery is kickback.

汤姆在承包大宗工程当中收取了大量的回扣。Tom got a lot of kickback in the awarding contract.

中村怒杀苏金荣,疯狂反扑。Village anger kills Su Jinrong in, kickback wildly.

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这家公司必须给腐败的政府官员很大一笔佣金。The company had to kickback a lot to the corrupt officer.

嫌疑就是有人拿了800万美元的回扣。The suspicion is that €8m in kickback payments were made.

举例说明工艺路线用错了的不良后果和改进的途径。Illustrated the kickback of misusing technology and way of amelioration.

如果这个订单能成的话,我们可以给你回扣和佣金。If the order can be accepted, we'll pay the kickback and commission to you.

那我买回去还他们,我们把这件事忘掉好了。That was not a kickback. I'll just replace them and we can forget the whole thing.

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治理医药回扣,是当前纠正医药行业不正之风的焦点问题。At present, control the medicine kickback is a focus question of correct the bad voguey.

开展这方面的研究,可以了解回扣这种现象对社会财富分布的影响。By the studying about this aspect, we can learn the effect of kickback on the social wealth.

中和技术的应用可以显著降低回踢噪声。The application of neutralization technique achieves remarkable progress on kickback noise reduction.

一般情况下转向车轮的回跳常常发生,但是,如果过于剧裂,应查找原因。Normally, some kickback to the steering wheel will always occur . But when it becomes excessive, an investigation should be made.

本文设计了带有踢回噪声的AB类锁存比较器,使其在实现高速高精度的基础上减小了对输入信号的干扰。Low kickback noise has been achieved besides high speed high resolution due to the use of an improved class AB latched comparator.

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海星初战受挫,但他不放弃,忍辱负重,留在海氏集团之内,伺机向海亮反扑。Starfish smashing, but he won't give up frustrated, humiliation, stay in heidegger's group, pounced on toward the sea within kickback.

在一份长达154页的起诉书中,检方还指控吴淑珍收受了与一项建筑工程相关的270万美元的回扣。Prosecutors also allege that Wu took a kickback of 2.7 million US dollars in connection with a construction project in a 154-page indictment.

采购经理从一个厂商进货只是因为这个厂商会为他提供回扣,一个销售者为赢得忠诚的消费者也会搞私底下的小动作。Purchasing managers favor one vendor over another because they get a kickback. A sales rep buys customer loyalty with under-the-table payments.