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钋是高放射性的元素,金属。Polonium is a highly radioactive element and a metalloid.

评价公路旁土壤中重金属和类金属污染。To assess the pollution of heavy metals and metalloid in soil along road.

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介绍一种新型的薄型非金属材料群孔的加工系统。A new drilling multi-hole on the thin metalloid material system is developed.

锗,天然非金属元素提高人体的免疫力,缓解疼痛。Germanium, natural metalloid element raising body's immunity and easing pain.

结果显示猝冷之后非金属元素B或P有聚积在表面的倾向。Results indicate that metalloid B or P has a tendency of surface accumulation.

砷是一种有致癌性的类金属物质,长期暴露下容易引发血管病变、癌症甚或死亡。Arsenic is an oncogenic metalloid. Long-term exposure to arsenic may lead to vascular diseases, cancers and death.

合金中非金属的小原子可能填进由大原子随机填塞形成的紧密结构中。The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloys might fit into holes in the dense random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms.

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目前人们最关注的“重金属”主要是指汞、镉、铅以及类金属砷等生物毒性显著的重金属。The most concerned heavy metals leading to contamination are Hg, Cd, Pb and metalloid as which all have apparent biology toxicity.

腌渍畜肉、海鲜和禽肉时,应使用有盖的非金属容器,并将其放在冰箱中。Bloat when seafood and meat of be soiled livestock, birds flesh, should use the metalloid container that has a lid, put its in freezer.

砷是一种类金属,往往经由矿脉、铜精炼厂、工业和农业用途,造成环境的污染。Arsenic is a metalloid element, contaminating the environment through leaching from mineral ores, copper smelting, and other industrial and agricultural sources.

建立了各种分布情况下,每个类金属原子平均所占金属-类金属键数与类金属含量的关系图。The relation between the average number of metal-metalloid bond around one metalloid atom and the metalloid atom content in various distributions is established.

目前已广泛应用于铀矿勘探、地质填图、油气勘测以及寻找各种金属和非金属矿产等诸多领域。Presently, it has applied to the uranium mine perambulation, geological mapping, oil gas perambulation fields as well as seeking various metal and metalloid mineral and etc.

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该机广泛应用于化工、染料颜料、涂料、农药、医药、食品、陶瓷、非金属矿等低硬度物料的粉碎。That machine applies to low hardness material comminution such as chemical industry , dyestuff pigment , coating material, pesticide, food, ceramics , metalloid ore broadly.

长期处于这种有毒环境,会影响肠胃,肾,肝,肺,皮肤,甚至增加患癌症的危险。A long lasting exposure to this highly toxic metalloid could affect the gastrointestinal transit, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, the skin and increases the risk of cancer.

本文通过对我国扇贝主产区的山东沿海栉孔扇贝体内重金属铬、铜、镉、汞、铅、锌以及类金属砷的残留监测和分析,并对扇贝的食用安全进行了风险性评估。In this study, we reported major heavy metal residues such as chrome, copper, cadmium, hydrargyrum, lead, zinc, metalloid in comb scallop, which live besides Shandong province.

矿山重金属和类金属元素在人类改造过的环境中发生的活化、迁移和再分配,必然对矿山开发区和邻近区的地球化学平衡带来新的扰动。The activation, migration, and redistribution of heavy metal and metalloid elements in reconstructive areas must disturb the balance of geochemistry of mine areas and their vicinity.

断热型铝合金采用非金属材料对铝合金型材进行断热,有效地提高了铝合金窗框的保温隔热性能。Break heat aluminium alloy to use metalloid material to have heat to aluminium alloy profile, improved the heat preservation heat proof quality of aluminium alloy window frame effectively.

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PCD和单晶金刚石是高效精密加工有色金属、陶瓷、玻璃、石墨等非金属材料最佳的刀具。PCD and single crystal diamond are the cutting tool of metalloid material first-rate such as nonferrous metal of efficient and accurate treatment, pottery and porcelain, glass, black lead.

这种加工系统实现了群孔的孔径可调,孔距可调以及孔的布局排列可调,可进行在线动态制孔。This system can be used to adjust the dimension, distance and arrangement of the holes, and the processing of dynamic drilling multi-holes on the thin metalloid material on-line can be accomplished.