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他全家在看电视。Hiss family are watching TV.

他的衣服掩饰了他的身分。Hiss clothes belie his station.

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他的靴子上沾有泥渍。Hiss boots were spotted with mud.

他们微笑和皱眉,畏缩与嘶嘘。Who smile and frown, wince and hiss.

何江的成就来之不易。Hiss achievements do not come easily.

我只是沉下目光,冲他们嘶叫回去。I’d just harden my eyes and hiss back.

的嘶嘶声来自一个开放的通信线。The hiss came from an open comms line.

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火车启动的铃声响了,这是汽笛声,火车缓缓开动了。A bell rang. There was a hiss of steam.

他的名声被丑闻沾污了。Hiss reputation was tinted by the scandal.

他父亲送他出国去学文学。Hiss father sent him abroad to study literature.

他的细心保证了他不犯更多的错误。Hiss carefulness secured him from making more mistakes.

观众向演出者发出一片嘘声。The crowd greeted the performers with boos and hiss es.

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他的当选为总统使他的政治生涯达到最高峰。Hiss election to the presidency climaxed his political career.

那演说者同时得到喝彩声和嘘声。The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hiss es.

过了一会儿,倒彩声开始响起。开始是嘘声,接着就是大喊。After a moment the barracking began. First came hiss es, then shouts.

雄龟会流出口水,并击打嘴唇发出声音,或是发出嘶嘶声。The male may drool and vocalize with a lip- smacking sound or a hiss.

彩排晚宴和蜜月的钱由她父母出。Hiss parents are gonna pay for the rehearsal dinner and the honeymoon.

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人要向他拍掌,并要发叱声,使他离开本处。Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place.

小队长只抬眼瞄了一下,一副事情的进展正如他的预期的表情。Captain glanced it, and his face looked like everything went on hiss plan.

猫有时温柔可爱,但也有时会喵喵叫,发出嘶嘶声并且行为恶劣。Cats can be cuddly and sweet, but they can also meow, hiss and behave badly.