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它是一个卫星定位仪器。It's a geosynchronous positioning device.

因为地球的转动时期,那个相配,它是以是一同步轨道而闻名。Because that matches Earth's rotation period, it is known as a geosynchronous orbit.

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据悉,全球发射的约250枚地球同步轨道卫星中,有三分之一是波音公司生产的。Boeing has built one third of the approximately 250 satellites in geosynchronous orbit today.

本文对地球同步卫星的发射轨道作了一些分析。This paper provide some analyses of launch trajectory for launching geosynchronous satellite.

我的第一份工作是为一家大型防务公司建立对地同步的通信卫星。My first job was for a large defense company building geosynchronous communications satellites.

现在,波音公司依然在该领域占有绝对领先的地位,在地球同步轨道部署了大量用于商用、民用和军用的通信卫星。Boeing today specializes in geosynchronous communications satellites for commercial, civil and military use.

该系统将可以复制复杂的自然太空环境,并且模拟低地球同步轨道的环境。It will be able to replicate complex natural space environments and simulate low-Earth and geosynchronous orbits.

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这颗地球相对卫星在发射不到一分钟后便爆炸了,当时电视台正在进行现场直播。The unmanned Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle blew up live on television less than one minute after launch.

根据试验结果,对器件在同步轨道重离子环境中的翻转率进行了预计。According to the error cross section versus LET curve, bit upset rate of 80C31 on geosynchronous orbit is estimated.

该系统以平流层平台和地球同步卫星为量子中继站,分发纠缠光子对。It is using stratospheric platform and geosynchronous satellite as quantum repeater to deliver entangled photon pairs.

使用PIC方法,实现了地球同步轨道恶劣亚暴环境材料表面充电过程的数值模拟。The surface charging progress of material in geosynchronous environments is studied by means of electrostatic PIC code.

目前,它正在与地球相对位置不变的轨道接受严格的测试,希望2008年第1季度提供服务。It is now in geosynchronous orbit undergoing rigorous testing and is expected to begin service in the first quarter of 2008.

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针对高轨道红外探测系统,分析了弹道导弹尾焰的红外探测性能。Aiming at geosynchronous orbit infrared detection system, the infrared detection performance of the ballistic missile plume is analyzed.

根据空间灰度共现矩阵纹理分析原理,制作卫星红外云图纹理分析法系统。Based on the textural analytic theory of gray scale co-occurrence matrix, the geosynchronous satellite IR image analytic system was made.

然而,目前为止,WGS覆盖仅限于太平洋地区,其首颗卫星位于玻利尼西亚上空22500米的地球同步轨道。For now, however, WGS coverage is limited to the Pacific region where the first satellite is stationed in geosynchronous orbit 22, 500 miles over Polynesia.

Telstar的设想来源于1945年科幻作家C.Clarke提出的概念——在地球同步卫星基础上建立起全球通信网络。Telstar makes real a 1945 concept by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, who envisioned a global communications network based on geosynchronous satellites.

建造这样一个设备将意味着,会架设一条在地球同步轨道卫星下方,地球赤道上方的电缆,同时还可以在太空中有效利用这个对重平衡电缆。Building one would mean lowering a cable from a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit above the Earth's equator while deploying a counterbalancing cable out into space.

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他的工程背景非常广泛,从同步宇宙飞船的内核开发到嵌入式架构设计,再到网络协议的开发。His engineering background ranges from the development of kernels for geosynchronous spacecraft to embedded systems architecture and networking protocols development.

洛克希德·马丁公司的GOES-R方案将建立在A2100地球同步卫星以及在先前远端感应项目中经证实的精确成像的基础上。Lockheed Martin's GOES-R solution builds upon the A2100 geosynchronous spacecraft bus and proven precision imaging capabilities from previous remote sensing programs.

过去,商业太空运输几乎专指用一次性运载火箭将通信卫星送入地球同步轨道。It used to be that commercial space transportation was almost exclusively about launching communication satellites into geosynchronous orbit using expendable launch vehicles.