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对他的一切指控已撤消。The presiding judge cleared him of a charge.

审判长宣布审讯暂时中止。The trial was recessed by the presiding judge.

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墨丘利是商业之神。Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.

他们都是主持这些新自由主义政策。They are presiding over these neo-liberal policies.

第三名仲裁员是首席仲裁员。The third arbitrator shall be the presiding arbitrator.

第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。The third arbitrator will act as the presiding arbitrator.

汉娜并不明白首席法官指的是什么。Hanna didn`t understand what the presiding judge was getting at.

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女性第一次成为美国圣公会总主教的主教。For the first time a woman is presiding bishop of Episcopal Church.

首席法官对一个被告一个被告提出这个问题。The presiding judge put the question to one defendant after another.

在主持了一个既不伟大也不好的案子后我终于解放了。I’d survived, presiding over a trial that was neither great nor good.

但首席法官做了如是解释,给予严厉的驳斥。But the presiding judge interpreted it that way and responded sharply.

当她到达他的办公室的时候,律师正主持一个会议。When she arrived at his office, the lawyer was presiding over a session.

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首席法官问她是否还想对她的证词补充些什么。The presiding judge asked if she wished to add anything to her testimony.

我最后去拜访了首席法官,没有去看望汉娜。I did go to the presiding judge after all. I couldn`t make myself visit Hanna.

理所当然地成为了这本书的主导灵魂,也是这本书所要献给的那个人。Hari, of course, is the presiding spirit of the book, and naturally the dedicatee

主审法官禁止进一步传播或出售其中四张照片。The presiding judge prohibited further dissemination or sale of four of the photos.

我父亲是一宗一男子逃税案的主法官。My father was the presiding judge in a case involving a man charged with tax evasion.

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温家宝总理召开救灾会议的照片也被上传到了Facebook。Snapshots of Wen presiding over quake-related meetings were also uploaded on the page.

于是,主持大会的官员将努力确定那方的声音更大。Whereupon, the presiding official would try todetermine which side had the loudest noise.

我国法院系统的审判长选任制改革实施了已近五年。China's reform on the election system of presiding judge has been implemented for 5 years.