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我们强烈反对使用核武器。We deplore the use of nuclear weapons.

我们强烈反对这个拙劣的、欠考虑的决定。We deplore this lamentably ill-advised decision.

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我们哀叹人们转向了博客、片断消息和Twitter。We deplore the shift to blogs, snippets, and tweets.

如果我们该谴责伊朗的残暴,是否也应该谴责您的呢?If we deplore Iran’s brutality, shouldn’t we also deplore yours?

你最痛悔自己身上什么特质?全神贯注于自己。What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Self-absorption.

你们对目前正在伯明翰举行的游行示威感到痛心。You deplore the demonstrations that are presently taking place in Birmingham.

不过你们不应因曾经盲目或耳聋而痛悔。Yet you shall not deplore having known blindness, nor regret having been deaf.

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我已经看到过少数的,在病人生病期间不知羞耻的传福音的例子,对此我感到悲叹。I have seen a few examples of shameless evangelizing during illness, which I deplore.

她正确地谴责对犹太人的大屠杀和开始执行宗教法庭。She is right to deplore the pogroms against Jews and the beginning of the inquisition.

就是想到这类事情才使我伤悼我这光棍汉的命运。It's the contemplation of this sort of thing that makes me deplore my fate in being a bachelor.

目的在大肠癌中尝试体外抗癌药联合药敏试验的可行性。OBJECTIVE To deplore the method of combined chemosensitivity test in colorectal cancers in vitro.

而,民主党人士谴责全球化和自由贸易的弊端,并强烈要求采取更强硬的措施限制中国发展。The Democrats deplore the ills of globalization and free trade, and urge tougher measures against China.

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唯有独自心伤那一缕哭得颤抖的斜阳,痛惜一个始终不愿意放下的童话。Only the heartache that alone a cry of atoms, trembling a always reluctant to put deplore the fairy tale.

把美国的威胁写在文件中,同时还假装强烈谴责破坏美国安全,这可能会是个有力的武器。Getting American threats on record, while pretending to deplore the loss of secrecy, could be a potent weapon.

无论是在德国还是欧洲其他国家,主流社会的政客们都一样面临着更严重的问题,既利用反移民情绪又对其公开谴责。The larger problem is that in Germany as elsewhere, mainstream politicians both play to anti-immigrant feeling and deplore it.

“噢,”欧热妮喊道,“阁下,假如您以为你所宣布的破产会使我悲哀我自己的命运的话,您就是一位蹩脚相士了。"Oh, " cried Eugnie, "you are a bad physiognomist, IF you imagine I deplore on my own account the catastrophe of which you warn me.

说真的,这几天联邦总理的易人,陆克文的所有支持者都为他的政治命运而感到痛惜和不平。Really, these days undergo the Federal Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd are all supporters of his political fate to deplore and grievances.

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一声悠长的叹息,含着浓浓的自责、懊悔、心痛、怀念,在大殿门外响起。One is leisurely long of sigh, contain very thick self-reproach, regret, deplore greatly, think of, ring out outside the big palace door.

“我对那些非常明显的误判十分不满,”布拉特于周二对记者说,“就裁判表现而言,这谈不上是精彩的比赛。“I deplore when you see the evident referees’ mistakes, ” Blatter told reporters on Tuesday. “It has not been a five-star game for referees.

笔者尝试提出交际测试任务中真实性的二重性概念,即测试材料的“确实性”和人的“可接受性”,并对其相互关系做进一步的研究探讨。This paper attempts to analyze its dualism, the genuineness of material and the reception of people and to deplore their mutual relationships.