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我是否太贪心了?Was I being greedy?

他像猪一样贪婪。He is greedy like a hog.

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这头老虎怎么这么贪婪?This tiger how so greedy?

他是一个很贪钱的人。He is a man greedy for money.

我爱一切,我很贪心。I love everything. I'm greedy.

好管家绝不会贪婪。Good stewards are never greedy.

为什么小弟如此贪婪?Why is little brother so greedy?

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他被贪婪的私欲所左右。He was dominated by greedy egotism.

但是贪婪的鸟儿老是吃它。But the greedy birds kept eating it.

这样的愿望,算不算贪心。This desire to be considered greedy.

贪财的人绝不会有好下场。Greedy people will come to no good end.

赫佐格想起来了,他是个贪嘴的人。Herzog remembered him as a greedy eater.

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您这个没骨头的贪婪的可耻叛徒!You spineless , greedy and dirty traitor!

所有能多次限定的正则运算符都是贪婪的。All regex repetition operators are greedy.

能不能喂饱无餍的死亡?Can these glut the greedy palate of Death?

十诀的首要第一诀是“不得贪胜”。The first one is “don’t be greedy for win”.

我知道价格还会创新高,又干吗要这么贪婪呢?I know they'll go higher, but why be greedy.

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贪凉的女士最易出现脾胃虚弱的状况。The greedy lady to cool the spleen and weak.

这些像是一个个小馋猫是的孩子们可馋坏了。This is under the greedy gluttonous kids bad.

贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑。Greedy sidelong glances and malicious squints.