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我拿到文凭了。I got the diploma.

你有大学文凭吗?Have you got University Diploma?

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他骄傲地夸示他的毕业文凭。He proudly displayed his diploma.

高中及以上学历。High school diploma or equivalent.

他获得了建筑学的学位证书。He obtained a diploma in architecture.

为什么我们要对他文凭纠缠不休?Why should we dwell so much on his diploma?

文凭或学位作坊总是以多种伪装的形式出现。Diploma or degree mills come in many guises.

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领到毕业证后你打算干什么呢?What will you do after you get your diploma?

是关于时尚纺织专业的三级学位的。for Level 3 Diploma in Fashion and Textiles.

我刚刚完成了设计专业的二级学位。I've just finished Level 2 Diploma on Design.

就用你的毕业证书去公证一下就好了。The diploma that uses you goes notarial good.

大学文凭并不意味着你受完教育了。A college diploma does not mean you are educated.

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高中及以上学历,或同等学历。High school diploma preferred, or it's equivalent.

很多民办学校沦为文凭工厂。Many private universities are simply diploma mills.

和平奖还包括一枚金质奖章和一本证书。The prize also includes a gold medal and a diploma.

工民建或建筑学本科以上学历。Diploma or degree in civil engineering or architecture.

要求男性,25-40岁之间,初中以上文化。Male, aged between 25 to 40 with junior school diploma.

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我此刻就读于香港岭南大学的文凭课程。I am studying at Lingnan University diploma courses now.

我现在就读于香港岭南大学的文凭课程。I am studying at Lingnan University diploma courses now.

由瑞士国王亲手将证书和奖章授予获奖者。King of Sweden hands each winner a diploma and a medal.