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乔,你说你不会说出去,这才够意思啊。Say you won't tell, Joe—that's a good feller.

这个名号加在他的身上,比加在像我这样一个没有本事的可怜人身上好多啦。He'll adorn it better than a poor lammicken feller like myself can.

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随着科技的进步,伐区作业联合机已经在世界各地得到普遍的应用。With the advancement of technology, feller machine has been used all over the world.

即使当他们死了,樵夫说,他们的传球被忽视。他们都没有发出死亡证书。Even when they die, Feller says their passing goes unnoticed. They are not issued a death certificate.

他的父亲是乌克兰移民,在皇后区的Astoria有家皮草行,他教会了Feller如何做生意。His father, who immigrated from Ukraine and had a fur store in Astoria, Queens, taught Mr. Feller the business.

利用V型块自动对中定位原理,对飞轮键槽拉床定位塞尺进行改进。Improvement is made to the positioning feller gauge in flywheel keyway broaching machine by V-type auto center align.

松树和黎巴嫩的香柏树,都因你欢乐,说,自从你仆倒,再无人上来砍伐我们。Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

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但Feller从未向纽约的主流博物馆售出过他的康定斯基风格油画,尽管他有满满一罐子的拒信证明他曾经的努力。But Mr. Feller never sold his Kandinsky-like canvases to major New York museums, though he has a tin full of rejection letters to prove his effort.

18个月前,苹果增加了防刮屏幕,从而使用户减少了对保护膜的需要。Eighteen months ago, when Apple added scratch-resistant screens, thereby lessening the need for a protective case, Feller responded by offering anti-glare screens.

过去的两个周六,Feller都沉浸在荣耀与绝望中,一边款待朋友一边斥责他的顾客,并回顾起他的一生。For the past two Saturdays, Mr. Feller has been in his glory, and also in despair, alternately regaling friends and scolding customers as he prepared to pack up his life.

Williamsburg的Lettieri打算用支票买下她2009年存下的一个银盒,但Feller坚持用现金结算,就像墙上已褪色的标示所写的一样。Ms. Lettieri, of Williamsburg, was about to pay Mr. Feller with a check for the silver fox she had stored since 2009. But he insisted on cash, as a faded sign on the wall demanded.