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无人看守的桌面。Unattended desktop.

雪豹桌面。Snow Leopard desktop.

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桌面一瞥。Peeking at the Desktop.

那桌面应用呢?What About the Desktop?

他仍然拥有一个桌面电脑。He still has a desktop unit.

把“文档”放在桌面。Put Documents on the desktop.

在桌面上启动NUnit。Start up NUnit on your desktop.

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它被作为桌面操作系统大量使用。It saw heavy use as a desktop OS.

先收拾一下桌面。Clean up the desktop a little bit.

您需要的是桌上型还是手提电脑呢?。Do you need a desktop or a laptop?

气流通过桌面的ATX案件。Airflow through a desktop ATX case.

设定您的桌面环境。Configure your desktop environment.

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量身定做一个桌面背景。Create a custom desktop background.

右键单击桌面的任何位置。Right-click anywhere on the desktop.

我们永远不会占领桌面。We will never take over the desktop.

KDE是K桌面环境的代表。KDE stands for K Desktop Environment.

我的桌面图标一个都没法用。None of my desktop icons are working.

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这是我简洁而高效的桌面。This is my simple but effective desktop.

做一个桌上神宗园是一件容易事。Making a desktop zen garden is very easy.

此软件集将以丹麦语对桌面进行本地化。This task localises the desktop in Danish.