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这种感觉,就好像滑翔机根本就不在我身上一样。It was as if the glider wasn't there.

那架滑翔机由绞车拖离地面。The glider was winched off the ground.

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滑翔机与拖行机分开。The glider uncoupled from the tow plane.

滑翔机与拖机脱开。The glider uncoupled from the two planes.

水面迫降和滑行着陆又有不同。Ditching is different from landing a glider.

现在他可以驾驶电动滑翔机和小型飞机。He flies a motor glider and small airplanes.

所以她带着这个望知之环去当年那个地方观看新一届的滑翔机比赛。She decided to present the new yearly glider competition with the ring.

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用来测试的滑翔器靠电池运行,可以维持一个月的时间。The glider being trialled runs on batteries, and can last up to a month.

目前,该基地已成为一座以滑翔为主的综合性航空俱乐部。At present, the base has become a glider in an integrated air-based club.

Theriault的滑翔机拥有一个能够采集这种信号的处理器。Theriault's glider has a signal processor capable of collecting that data.

她会去坐滑翔机,因为没人说过飞机一定要有发动机吧?And go for a ride on a glider airplane, because who says planes need motors?

计划是基于一只鱼雷形状的海中滑翔装置,能够在海洋中走“之”字路线。The scheme relies on a torpedo-shaped glider that zig- zags through the ocean.

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没有什么比把自己绑在一股滑翔伞下,尽可能的快的进入巡航速度。There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go.

这能让滑翔器在进入暖水域上升,在进入冷领域下降。This would make the glider rise and fall as it entered warm and cold patches of water.

一些母亲称滑动的摇篮床是唯一能让婴儿入睡的。Some moms swear their glider rockers are the only thing that gets their babies to sleep.

斯科尔兹内带了五十名伞兵乘滑翔机降落,袭击了该旅馆,救出了墨索里尼。Skorzeny landed by glider with fifty paratroopers, stormed the hotel and freed Mussolini.

巨大显眼的助推火箭脱离后,它看上去只是架小型滑翔机或飞机。The huge, showy booster rockets fallen away, it was just a little glider or an aeroplane.

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那个人按照彼得的话去做,及时抓住彼得,然后看着自己的滑翔翼掉进下面的山谷。The man did what he was told just in time to watch his glider fall into the valley below.

兄弟两人用竹子和干酪包布,照着百科全书的图标造了一架高1.5公尺,翼展约6公尺的滑翔机。When the glider was finished, it stood about 1.5 meters tall with a wingspan of about 6 meters.

他说,如果飞机的两个引擎都已经停转的话,飞机就像一架“滑翔机。”He said that if both engines of the plane had failed, the aircraft would become like a "glider".