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这么做会让H.264成为Web上codec事实上的标准。H.264 becomes the de facto codec for the Web.

根据事实本身,该合同已被视为取消。The contract is considered to be ipso facto cancelled.

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不得通过公民权利剥夺法案或追溯既往的法律。No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

它最初是以一种事实上的而非法定的公司形态出现的。It was not a statutory company but a de facto form initially.

英语已经变成了事实上的世界第二语言。English has become the de facto second language for the world.

这将使这些地区变成事实上的军事区。This will turn these communities into de facto military zones.

即使该开源软件成为某种“事实标准”,它也仍然是一个开放标准。Once an OSS become de facto standard it's still an open standard.

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人们没有采取有力措施解决事实上重新恢复的教育种族隔离。Yet few tools exist to tackle de facto educational resegregation.

对于今天的智能手机平台来说,A-GPS是现在最为实际的传感器。A-GPS is now considered de facto for today's smartphone platforms.

然而,事实上这是从神户灾难时开始的。However, it de facto started around the time of the Kobe disaster.

校长、副校长、全体老师、舍监及社工为当然会员。Principal, Vice Principal, all teachers and house-masters are de facto.

以塞尔维亚人为主的北部地区实际上是在塞尔维亚的控制之下。The Serb-dominated north of the country is under de facto Serbian control.

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“或他们是否认为顶端的工作依据事实”,吸引人才的伟大由神权?Or do they think top jobs ipso facto "attract great talent by divine right?"

她重新开始履行党首和印度当今实际领导人的职责。She resumed her duties as party leader and the de facto boss of India today.

因此,人民银行实际上采取爬行钉住汇率制。As a result, the PBOChas de facto adopted a crawling-peg exchange-rate regime.

我们断言事实上撒哈拉沙漠中不可能有野生狮子。We assert that wild lions can ipso facto not be observed in the Sahara desert.

研究结果显示,过饱和度是结盐诱导期的主要影响因素。The results of the experiment indicate that the supersaturation is the main facto.

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通常,会选择让应用程序使用作为其事实标准的特定传输协议。Typically, select application types use specific transports as their de facto standard.

畸形的Mac档案是事实上的Macintosh黑客工具和信息的标准。Freak's Mac Archive is the de facto standard for Macintosh hacking tools and information.

西北大学的科学家绘制了实际的社区地图。Researchers from Northwestern University have now mapped the country’s de facto communities.