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恶习易染。Ill weeds grow apace.

他们挖掉杂草。They dug out the weeds.

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么有花园无杂草。No garden lacking weeds.

小道长满野草。The path grew with weeds.

他们正在掘除杂草。They are grubbing up weeds.

草坪上长满了杂草。The lawn was grown with weeds.

就像是长满杂草的花园。Is like a garden full of weeds.

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这“莠”是指杂草。The "you" here refers to weeds.

我们在花园里拔草。We pulled weeds from the garden.

应该是没有除杂草的原因。Should be no reason except weeds.

花被野草盖没而凋落。The flowers were choked by weeds.

花园工人拔除了杂草。The gardener pulled up the weeds.

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阴影是可触的藻草。Shadows are touchable water weeds.

有些田地里出现了草荒。The weeds run riot in some fields.

他们的园子杂草丛生。Their garden grows over with weeds.

从那里来的稗子呢。Where then did the weeds come from?

一片片的水草漂浮在水面上。Patches of weeds float on the water.

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他的田里有那么多野草!There are so many weeds in his field!

长满了苦涩的野草和芸香。Beovergrown with bitter weeds and rue.

杂草丛中还潜伏着其它棘手的问题。Other thorny issues lurk in the weeds.