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蔡琴是一位女低音歌手。Cai Qin is a contralto.

院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.

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“如果你愿意的话,可以坐下,”她用女低音说。You may sit down, if you like, " she said in a contralto."

“请表明身份,”一个通信官用清晰的女低音应答。“前进的星船,你是谁?”"Identify yourselves, " a commo officer transmitted in her clear contralto . "Incoming vessel, who are you?"

虽然布鲁斯是她的专业,莉娜霍恩的沙哑,女低音的声音在家里也同样有多种风格。Although blues were her specialty, Lena Horne's husky, contralto voice was equally at home with a variety of styles.

一个女低音歌手幽幽地哼唱着我从未听人唱过的歌,虽然我曾在我的旧手风琴盒里的破烂乐谱上见过这些歌词。A woman's smoky contralto crooned words I'd never heard sung, though they were printed on the tattered sheet music in my old accordion case.

当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟著改变,悠扬婉转,正是女低音的本色,而且每一点变化都在空气中散发出一点她那温暖的人情味很浓的魔力。When the melody rose her voice broke up sweetly following it in a way contralto voices have and each change tipped out a little of her warm human magic upon the air.

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当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟着改变,悠扬婉转,正是女低音的本色,而且每一点变化都在空气中散发出一点她那温暖的人情味很浓的魔力。When the melody rose, her voice broke up sweetly, following it, in a way contralto voices have, and each change tipped out a little of her warm human magic upon the air.

提出控制采、灌地下水的较佳方案,同时对各种影响因素作了定量的评价。The better project that contralto pump warter from the ground and inject water into the ground are propsed, and different kinds of influence element are discussed quantitatively.

我们已经能听出沙黛嗓音中石墨般的质地,她那亚光型的女中音充满着气息,透露出一丝隐痛,却并无苦楚,置哪怕是不完美的尊严于展览痛苦之上。We could already hear the graphite core in Sade’s voice, a grainy contralto full of air that betrays a slight ache but no agony, and values even imperfect dignity over a show of pain.